Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I Never Knew About the Internet

I consider(ed) myself pretty savvy with technology and internet.  Note, past tense.  Pre babies-took-all-my-brain-cells self.  I was fully integrated into the emerging more tech in the classroom philosophy.  I knew my way around the internet and cool sites like nobodies business.  I have had my own weebly account and my own wikispaces account that I even let my students post work on in one section. 

Then I had babies.  Note, it is the multiples aspect of this that opened my eyes to a whole new side of the internet.  Then to further my new wonder, MTV started airing a show called Catfishing to confirm my whole new understanding.  What is catfishing?  Well, for some it's what they do on the weekend in areas like Louisiana and such.  I believe anyway.  But for the 2013 human, it's also a practice where someone creates a whole fake personality online in order to satisfy some weird need within themselves.  Amazingly so, there are MANY people who want to be a part of this multiples world.  Like it is a secret society.  I hate to tell you, it's not.  It's a bunch of tired, cranky, drama-loving, mommas. But, there are people who steal others pics, create fake FB pages, fake blogs, etc. using said stolen pics to become a MoM.  I truly don't understand it, but it is very possible my pics are out there somewhere being passed off as someone else's. 

Please don't think I believed everything on the internet because I read on the internet that everything on the internet is real.  I was not and am not that person.  I know people lied about their height, weight, gender, whatever.....but I never imagined people stole pictures and faked being a mother of multiple children.  Maybe because I had not been exposed to the whole MoM society - never even knew it existed - never even contemplated the thought of multiples outside of 'I want three children so one then twins would be cool and would trump John's thinking two children would be enough'.  

Why do I tell you all of this?  I hope it helps explain some of why my FB (to my knowledge at least) is pretty locked down in re: pics, etc.  It is also why I will never post questionable pics on my blog, or videos of my kiddos swimming in their ball pit in their diapers.  Yes, I still post a lot of pants off or shirts off - that is our daily life and I do want to share that with you.  It is an awkward fine line to walk, but I try to pride myself on being aware that this IS the internet and what I post lives forever.  If you don't believe me, I guarantee there is a "celebrity" tweeting something they will regret and delete, only to have whatever said regretted words were splashed all over tabloid news to prove my point. 

I hope this post isn't too rambling, but I must sign off and get ready for my date with a French model I met on the internet. 

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