Thursday, May 26, 2011

28 weeks and the fam visits

It's close enough that I'm going to just call it... 28 weeks (Saturday)!  John drives down Friday night and Kim/Ken arrive Sat. afternoon.  Quite the milestone!  The three healthy/ non-confined ones will head to Delta on Sun evening to get the babies room ready.  About time since I had a fab friend/co-worker tell me today she was ready to just show up next week and start taking care of it.  :)

John does have the "spare room" (ie: really big walk in closet) ready for our friends/family/me/him.  He removed all the computer equip and general stuff that was in there and put in the full bed we bought for sleepovers.  He'll be trying it out this next week while K&K get the queen bed.  Wonder where the doggies will sleep, since we all know they are not in their crates anymore?  

If/when I get update pics I'll post them.  Can't wait to see the progress!  No pressure guys.  hehe.

Bus Tour - Rock ON!

So Mrs. Sarah Palin will take her crazy self on a bus tour of places of interest in the founding of our country.  Woo Hoo!  I've been waiting for her to enter the presidential race!  What's that you say?  She's still not entering, just playing with tea-party supporters yet again??  No!  Would she really do that?

:)  Sorry all Palinators, I just had to.  This girl needs to just GO AWAY.  I'm really not clear how a reality show, that didn't seem so real to those of us living in AK (I personally don't consider the local flight business my personal taxi on the lake outside my door.  Ooops, I don't have a lake outside my door unless it's breakup), quitting a governorship, visiting Israel, and supporting a bunch of like-minded crazy people - most of whom DIDN'T win election - makes one prepared for the White House.  She is about as prepared as Donald Trump.

Now crazily enough, the one Republican who piqued my interest last time has also bowed out.  He is enjoying his television show too much.  Which is fine with me since he has become someone I could not support at all in 2012.  Mike Huckabee.  He truly did have me interested in 2008, but since then - did you really have to attack Natalie Portman?  Did you really have to completely embarrass yourself with your recent invitation for Ted Nugent to your show?  (check out this video from the Daily Show:  Sorry Republicans, I have yet to see a candidate that piques my interest.

Kim, is this the post you've been waiting for?  :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

thank you for not making me a moocher mom and dad!

As many of you know my trash tv involved Dr. Phil most days.  Well today he had extreme moochers.  Whoo buddy - my parents could watch that show and be proud of all of their children.   Now mom, as we get into the touchy points here remember this is MY point of view!  :)

For those of you who haven't know me or our family most of my life here's a little background.  I'm the youngest of three.  My brother is 6 years older and my sister is 18 months older - yes, that provided some fun times for my parents over the years.  Heck, it still can because Kim and I are truly night and day in most areas of our lives.  We have learned through much trial and error that we truly love spending time together, but it is best if that time is limited (and very structured if Kim has her say).  lol (right Kim?)  Well, Kim was two years ahead of me in school, so she graduated and was in college by the time I graduated.  Lucky for me (?) she chose to go to UAA for college.  I say lucky for me because as my senior year was ending my mom had to relocate for her job.  Since I was almost out of school, her and my dad chose to move to the Seattle area.  I'm not bitter about that at all, but it sets up the point that I moved in with my sister at 18 and was "on my own" at that point.  If I missed work or got fired, I didn't have rent money or food money - so learning to be self-supportive was imperative.  Now don't think I never had my parents help, heck I still have their help.  They helped me get into a nice condo in my mid-20's by purchasing it and having me pay the mortgage.  They helped me buy my first condo on my own with a gift for part of the down payment, which John and I were very very proud to be able to pay back with interest.  Now they are being more than generous with their first grandchildren.

John has heard me talk many a time about young adults who feel entitled.  Well my gosh.  After watching Dr. Phil today I have to wonder again where society is headed.  Consider for a moment the children of the people I wrote about before who are waiting for some unknown entity to bail them out of their bad choices.  What are they teaching their children?  Both people on the show had children in the mid-20's who still lived at home completely money free. One couple had twin sons who were truly abusing their parents with their mooching and attitudes/treatment.   The other guest STOLE from his family to be able to put gas in his car and thought it was OK!!!!!  I'm thinking my children will hate me because there isn't much entitlement in my house.  Chores are chores, don't expect money for them. Allowance is different than chores.  When it comes time for college, expect to help out - there are THREE of and I will only be able to do so much!  (I hear you may have a rich aunt though :) )  And never never never expect to be home at the age of 25 without a job, not paying rent, and taking advantage of us.  Even I know how to change the locks on a door.  hehe

Those are my thoughts for the day.  My kiddos are in for a hard time and they aren't even here yet!  No, seriously, they will be loved more than I can even imagine I'm sure - but they will never be moochers!

Almost 27 weeks

Woot woot!!  It's pretty much impossible to explain how I feel.  I'm am overfull with babies.  There is no room left so the growing pains are quite uncomfortable.  Sleep is becoming quite elusive between the inability to be comfortable hence constant trying to turn over.  Oh my gosh, beached whale time... watch me reclining in bed and try to skootch up further or figure out how to physically position myself to get up.  I truly have to consider how to move sometimes.  The tendonitis in my wrists makes it doubly worse because bending my wrists to push up off the bed can be painful enough to make me rethink my game plan.  

But, for all my bellyaching my dr is proud of me.  She must have quite a bit of faith because my next baby appt isn't scheduled for another 4 weeks.  I'll be at 30 wks at that point.  I'll see my ob before that and am more than aware that ob triage is there for me 24/7 if so needed.  After my last appt where she was concerned about my cervix and I started to take it slower - well that paid off b/c my cervix bounced back an extra 1cm so it's stronger than before.  

I'm getting a little anxious that I don't have an inventory of what we have vs what we need.  Having no control over those areas is starting to drive me crazy because John and I have different time lines and priorities for these types of things.  I'm sure in the next few days he'll get tired of my nagging him to do this for me.  (hang in there honey!  the sooner you do this, the sooner the nagging stops :)  )

For exciting news I'll be an aunt again on Monday.  Ted and Missy's third daughter will be arriving that day.  How exciting!  I hope I can get over to see her at some point.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The update I wanted to post 5-13

First, a follow up on me.  I'm doing good but really really slowing down.  Carol goes in for her hip surgery tomorrow so John is moving his weekend visit up.  He'll drive down Friday evening and stay through Monday afternoon so he can go to the Dr. Richey appt.  He hasn't been to any appt in a while so it will be nice for him to get to see the babes. 

Kim and Ken will be here in just a few weeks.  I'm excited to see them again and (fingers crossed) our weather has been gorgeous so it needs to stay that way since they have had nothing but rain lately.

Now, a follow up on my opinion... yesterday there was an article about FEMA billing people that they wrongly paid.  Have to tell you the two examples they used in the story and I think my opinion below is fully validated.  One person received $20,000 b/c the FEMA rep said he didn't receive an insurance payout from his flood insurance....HOWEVER...HE DID!  The homeowner went on the explain the payout went directly to his mortgage since the same company held both.  Instead of saying "but, I did get a payout, but it was used to pay my mortgage (which I am still responsible for)" and never receiving the FEMA money he kept his mouth shut.  As did the second example, a couple who knew they wouldn't get FEMA help since their community had decided to opt out of the Nat'l Flood Ins program, which they knew flood insurance was a requirement to receive the money.  Think that stopped them from taking the money given??  NOOOOO.  Now both of these people are going to their local reps to get a law passed in Congress that FEMA is no longer beholden to us, the taxholders, to recoup money they gave out by mistake.  America, land of the greedy.  Not quite the American dream I was taught growing up.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Taking Responsibility

So, I really don't put my thoughts out there too much (unless you are John or sometimes Mom), but today I am going to.  Notice it's here and not on FB because really FB is not the place for politics - in my opinion.  I like to keep that for fun, connecting with family, updating friends, etc.  So..... read on if you will.

For some crazy reason the recent killing of Osama Bin Laden has lead to critique of the president.  I find it ironic that those who fully supported President Bush in his desire to complete this mission are now critiquing it because it happened while President Obama is in office.  Am I giving him 100% credit - no, of course not.  He did not complete this mission alone, however he did make the tough decisions that many of us could not have made.  But, many Americans want to make this about our problems at home... ok.  Mr/Ms Complainer:  what do you mean by "fix the economy"?

A start on how to fix the economy... tax the corporations and money makers appropriately.  Society, stop being greedy.  It is nobody's fault but your own that you purchased a home/car/vacation/clothing/etc that you could not afford.  How is the President supposed to help you with that?  Trust me, I would LOVE a huge, nice home, great vacations, super nice clothes and the such as well... but I am one who is uber concerned with how much we have in savings so I don't get those things.  (not to say I don't spend frivously, I do) Heck, we're staying in a small home on base even after bringing home three babies.  If I took on this societal attitude of "not my fault" then am I entitled to help from the government for my choice to move ahead with a triplet pregnancy? 

Don't get me wrong, I know there are people out there who are working hard to keep themselves going.  I am not trying to put everyone down (I really don't even want to offend anyone).  I just don't understand how the government is supposed to help those who chose not to help themselves.  A tough lesson to learn that bad choices have consequences.  Does this mean I think our government is making fabulous choices, no, of course not.  We need to cut our spending - I just keep thinking of the movie Dave where the imposter president calls in his buddies to cut the budget over pizza and beer.  I bet there is a lot of unnecessary spending John Doe would cull from the budget, but the only voice we have is with our local/state representatives.  

I guess my bottom line is I do stand with President Obama when he says it is past time for those tough discussions.  I also think those tough discussions also need to be followed up with a tough look in the mirror for many.  Please feel free to let me know your thoughts.  If I am totally crazy, I am going to deny it and blame it all on pregnancy hormones. LOL  
PS - sorry for the somewhat rambling. 

Baby Update

Had an ob checkup on Monday.  All is good.  With the dr. measuring, I am 24 weeks measuring at 34 weeks.  When I posted on FB the measurements, it was one I had done with a fabric measuring tape and a chart I found online.  lol.  I have gained 20 lbs total... need to keep going, and I am.  All who have seen me say I have increased my liquid intake at least 500% fold if not more.  I do eat a lot, but it is just so hard to eat as much as I need to.  

The heartbeats were pretty close together.  It was hard to get a reading on the second girl because she was moving so much.  Stinks a little, because hearing them is reassuring.  

I also went to a physical therapist last week and had a follow up today.  My back muscle is much better.  I can't remember what it is called - gee, can't remember back to high school science... imagine that!  She said it is the muscle that connects the bottom rib to the pelvic bones that is just never getting a break causing my ribs to hurt.  She laughed in a good way that my issues are so specific making them easier to address.  She helped give it a break and taught me how to at home.  In the matter of the one week it is feeling much better and she could tell it was less tense today.  

So - bottom line, all is good.  I'm still a little mobile, but walking too much is just tough.  There is still lots of pressure on my pelvis just making it uncomfortable.  BUT, if that is the worst complaint then life is pretty good. 

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers