Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Taking Responsibility

So, I really don't put my thoughts out there too much (unless you are John or sometimes Mom), but today I am going to.  Notice it's here and not on FB because really FB is not the place for politics - in my opinion.  I like to keep that for fun, connecting with family, updating friends, etc.  So..... read on if you will.

For some crazy reason the recent killing of Osama Bin Laden has lead to critique of the president.  I find it ironic that those who fully supported President Bush in his desire to complete this mission are now critiquing it because it happened while President Obama is in office.  Am I giving him 100% credit - no, of course not.  He did not complete this mission alone, however he did make the tough decisions that many of us could not have made.  But, many Americans want to make this about our problems at home... ok.  Mr/Ms Complainer:  what do you mean by "fix the economy"?

A start on how to fix the economy... tax the corporations and money makers appropriately.  Society, stop being greedy.  It is nobody's fault but your own that you purchased a home/car/vacation/clothing/etc that you could not afford.  How is the President supposed to help you with that?  Trust me, I would LOVE a huge, nice home, great vacations, super nice clothes and the such as well... but I am one who is uber concerned with how much we have in savings so I don't get those things.  (not to say I don't spend frivously, I do) Heck, we're staying in a small home on base even after bringing home three babies.  If I took on this societal attitude of "not my fault" then am I entitled to help from the government for my choice to move ahead with a triplet pregnancy? 

Don't get me wrong, I know there are people out there who are working hard to keep themselves going.  I am not trying to put everyone down (I really don't even want to offend anyone).  I just don't understand how the government is supposed to help those who chose not to help themselves.  A tough lesson to learn that bad choices have consequences.  Does this mean I think our government is making fabulous choices, no, of course not.  We need to cut our spending - I just keep thinking of the movie Dave where the imposter president calls in his buddies to cut the budget over pizza and beer.  I bet there is a lot of unnecessary spending John Doe would cull from the budget, but the only voice we have is with our local/state representatives.  

I guess my bottom line is I do stand with President Obama when he says it is past time for those tough discussions.  I also think those tough discussions also need to be followed up with a tough look in the mirror for many.  Please feel free to let me know your thoughts.  If I am totally crazy, I am going to deny it and blame it all on pregnancy hormones. LOL  
PS - sorry for the somewhat rambling. 


Lynda said...

Wow - guess you have lots of time to ponder these things - proud of you. I think that we can fix a whole lot of things if we could just get corporations to pay taxes. There is an article in the recent AARP mag. (I know - it is political as well) that points out GE who made 5 billion in 2010 and will not pay a dime of tax. How is this right?

Kimberly said...

I just crafted the ultimate response only to have it deleted when Google told me "They could not complete my request" as I tried to preview the post. I was already all worked up and angry (in total agreement with your post) - now I am ENRAGED!!!!! I will share some real thoughts on how deep my concern about the state of politics in America is later - I'll draft it in word and cut and past so Google never does that to me again!!!! (shacking my tiny fist at the world for the first time in a long time I am so angry!)

Kimberly said...

Shaking my tiny fist - not shacking !!!!

Joanne said...

Wow! Did I start this? By the way, Steph, I agree with you. The people who demand Obama to fix things are the ones who are having babies and not able to pay for them -- medical bills and daily upkeep. I know three different couples (only one married) who are having babies and not a care in the world on how they are going to pay for it.

Stephanie said...

Joanne, You didn't start it - but maybe allowed me to feel it was ok to post. :) I WISH I could have not a care in the world about how we're going to pay for the babies. Wouldn't that be fantastic? I'm just getting really tired of the entitled feeling we, as Americans, seem to have. I just don't know how we got to this point.

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