Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bus Tour - Rock ON!

So Mrs. Sarah Palin will take her crazy self on a bus tour of places of interest in the founding of our country.  Woo Hoo!  I've been waiting for her to enter the presidential race!  What's that you say?  She's still not entering, just playing with tea-party supporters yet again??  No!  Would she really do that?

:)  Sorry all Palinators, I just had to.  This girl needs to just GO AWAY.  I'm really not clear how a reality show, that didn't seem so real to those of us living in AK (I personally don't consider the local flight business my personal taxi on the lake outside my door.  Ooops, I don't have a lake outside my door unless it's breakup), quitting a governorship, visiting Israel, and supporting a bunch of like-minded crazy people - most of whom DIDN'T win election - makes one prepared for the White House.  She is about as prepared as Donald Trump.

Now crazily enough, the one Republican who piqued my interest last time has also bowed out.  He is enjoying his television show too much.  Which is fine with me since he has become someone I could not support at all in 2012.  Mike Huckabee.  He truly did have me interested in 2008, but since then - did you really have to attack Natalie Portman?  Did you really have to completely embarrass yourself with your recent invitation for Ted Nugent to your show?  (check out this video from the Daily Show:  Sorry Republicans, I have yet to see a candidate that piques my interest.

Kim, is this the post you've been waiting for?  :)


Joanne said...

OMG! I can't agree with you more!! Please go away Sarah!!!

Kimberly said...

I hear you sister!! I think Sarah is going to get all kinds of attention and get in the way of the serious republican candidates. There is no way she would win for all of the reasons you listed...

To add to the insults that Mike H has tossed about don't forget about the passage in his book that claims Obama is influenced by the political uprising in Kenya - his 'mau mau' thinking that he got from his deep relationship with his Grandfather. The guy is just wrong; it's almost as bad as the whole birther thing. Get the full story here (Colbert style!!!):

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