Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcome 2013

Seeing as how Christmas was yesterday, this whole holiday season seems off to me. And it seems truly crazy to stay up until midnight when I'll have to get up with the kids in the am. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet. No resolutions, just short term goals for now.

Goal 1: diet and weight
I just created a my fitness pal account. I'm not concerned with losing weight right now, or rather with that being my goal. My goal is to honestly track my eating and strive for the 3/week workouts I put in my profile. I hope to be fully on board with both of those by the end of January so I can then create a small weight loss goal.

Goal 2: keep up with blogging
I try. I honestly try. I need to get my energy back so I'm not completely drained at the end of the night. Then just DO it. Hopefully Mom and Kim can attest (after their recent visits) that it is not as easy as it sounds.

Goal 3: use technology more meaningfully
My kids are becoming more and more aware. I want to use technology for more than Facebook, although that is a valid social outlet for me. To aide this goal I joined a fb book club. I've even participated in last months, and this months readings/discussions. For those wondering how this helps me do more than fb, I'm using my technology for reading rather than mindless games and such. :) I also hope to possibly join the local book club. We'll see.

Goal 4: get my kids a'talkin!
Remember, these are short term goals. My kids do not talk at all yet. AT. ALL. If really really pushed they will say mama or dada and Zach can toss out the 'boo' for book (pronounced w/o the k), but that is literally all. I know they can hear, they will follow directions like no other. Now just SPEAK!

So those are my four short goals. I hope to get our kids outside in real snow for the first time tomorrow. Cross your fingers the weather is in our favor. Here's hoping your 2013 is off to a good start. Any new goals?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Morning Routine

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my first post as a guest blogger!  Steph has had her hands full with the trio, the holidays, and a nasty round of the stomach flu (ick)!  I thought I would help her out with a blog post.

I recently spent a week up in AK and boy have things changed.  No more boppies, no more bottles, no more leaving the room thinking the kiddos will be in the same place you left them when you come back!  Steph will say, what....that was ages ago, but it feels like just last time I was up there.

So, back to the theme of my post.  Morning routine.  I'm sure when Auntie Kim is there it's a bit different but it goes something like this:  Zach talking to himself in his crib, Auntie Kim peeking in, big smiles all the way around once Addie and Katie realize there is an adult in the room, Zach making dance moves in the crib ready for his am dance party, everyone with arms in the air wanting to get up.  Grab Zach in one arm Addie in the other and head downstairs.  Katie has her paci so she's happy being round two in the transport system.

We've all moved downstairs.  After a few minutes on the couch the activity begins.  New butts all the way  around, toys pulled out, books off shelves.  The day has begun.  Within 30 minutes or so it's time to do breakfast.  On this particular day we started with sippies of milk and Cheerios.  It looks something like this.

Addie's morning hair:

Katie brushing off the paparazzi:

Zach, the sweetest boy around:

Katie saying 'really Auntie Kim, really?!'

Finally, Addie just being cute:

This is just a small slice of life from the Slette home.  I love visiting and cannot wait to go back!  

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers