Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is toooo funny not to share.  Helayne and I were shopping downtown tonight for a quick bit.  We stopped in a shall-remain-nameless store and meandered through the baby section.  As always, the saleswoman thought I was having the baby soon, but we corrected her.  As she asks "boy or girl" and we respond with both... she freaks out and then seriously turns to Helayne and says - "are you the mom?"  Now what does that mean?  Is she my mom? (she is younger than me!)  Is she my partner and the babies mom??  Or am I a surrogate???  We both looked at her like she was CRAZY and then informed her we are sisters-in-law.

What is "moderate bedrest"? (aka: ladies who lunch)

It seems many people don't know what "moderate bed rest" is.  Well, let me tell you - I experience it every time I go out.  Yes, I can still go out and usually it is to lunch.  As I told a friend, that is a great outing because I get to travel, rest/eat, then travel back.  :)  Well this week I have been taking advantage!  Monday I met with two old bosses from Alaska National at Hot Stixx across from Freds on Dimond.  Yesterday Carol's family friend fixed us lunch at her house and today I met my "other mother" at Charlie's Bakery.  

Where does the moderate bed rest come in you ask?  Today, I needed to go shopping at Target (is there really anywhere else?) so I chose to go after lunch.  I went in to the bra section, tried on a few items, walked to the groceries, picked up my milk, juice, ice cream (yes, yes, and a package of jelly beans) then, feeling tired already,  headed for the checkout stand.  I stopped along the way to pick up a thank you card for Sue, maker of our lunch yesterday.  I was going so slow by the time I checked out the poor man loaded the two bags in my cart for me.  lol

I headed home and rested into a nap.  That is moderate bed rest... not having enough energy to do much.  It pretty much forces me to get enough rest - which is a good thing.  I've been told when I get tired I waddle.  I'll have to check with mom next week to verify.   

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sometimes the separation is good

As much as neither John nor I want to be separated, there are times when it is a good thing.  Today is an example of that time.  I'm hoping to get together with my sister-in-law, Helayne, and awesome neice Mady while John spends a few hours at home for his fantasy baseball draft.  The joy of being apart today is I get to see some family and John doesn't have to hear/see my nagging or frustration as he spends a few hours researching and then drafting players for a fake game. 

Now don't get me wrong... fantasy baseball is a past time my hubby loves and I don't want to belittle it.  But, just not interesting to me.  Hope you have fun drafting today hubs!

Friday, March 25, 2011


I have promised many I would keep in touch. Hopefully, this will be the easiest way to do just that. I figure even once I hit strict bed rest, I can type on a blog.

Where are we at to date? We are almost 19 weeks (tomorrow). At the last appointment - 18w 2d - the babies were all still growing at a great rate. They measured at/above, all about 9 oz. Per John, the size of a Wendy's double. :)

My first week in Anchorage was a little sad. A little sad about missing my kiddos in school, a little sad I'm stuck with a horrible cough, and a little sad I thought I packed more clothes than I did. The positive side, I've been able to rest as I should. About 3pm each day I tend to need a nap, and I'm able to sleep in until about 9:30am most days. Every time I start to feel a little guilty I remind myself this is the whole reason I'm here - and I better enjoy it while it lasts.

Well, I want to get this address out to all. I will post more over the weekend.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers