Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is toooo funny not to share.  Helayne and I were shopping downtown tonight for a quick bit.  We stopped in a shall-remain-nameless store and meandered through the baby section.  As always, the saleswoman thought I was having the baby soon, but we corrected her.  As she asks "boy or girl" and we respond with both... she freaks out and then seriously turns to Helayne and says - "are you the mom?"  Now what does that mean?  Is she my mom? (she is younger than me!)  Is she my partner and the babies mom??  Or am I a surrogate???  We both looked at her like she was CRAZY and then informed her we are sisters-in-law.


Stephanie said...

To clarify - what makes her crazy is that there is no need for that question. Two people shopping together should not make anyone jump to conclusions! Plus, her question made just no sense - none of the applications seemed plausible. Gave everyone a good laugh, including both of our husbands.

Joanne said...

It really was a stupid comment! And you should have added to her confusion and said two girls, one boy!!

Kimberly said...

You should have looked at her and said 'Clearly I'm the mom....' in as deadpan a voice as possible. :) I agree - too funny!!!

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