Wednesday, June 6, 2012

baths, giraffes, and fun stuff

Oh the joys of summer are here.  We got outside for the first time the other day.  The wind took Katie's breath away every time it kicked up, Zach was glued to me, and Addie just smiled.  We lasted 5-10 minutes before calling it quits.  I'm hoping to get to the park here on base someday soon.  Tonight would have been perfect because the wind is almost nil, but seeing as daddy is asleep instead of watching/playing with the littles, that wasn't going to happen. This weekend at the latest for sure!

I loaded my camera pictures today.  We've got some good ones of our first "all-together-now" bath, the kids on their new giraffe rocker that arrived today, and just some good everyday pics.  How we are ever going to organize all these pictures, I honestly have no clue...every time I think of it I try to envision fields of flowers and know, happier thoughts.  Haha.

So, here is our first bath.  Hopefully no surprise to anyone the pictures I'm sharing are very limited.  Needless to say they LOVED it.  For the first time Addie played with the water.  She was always the timid one before, I figured it was because Zach and Katie hung out in the tub when they were in diaper-rash-from-you-know-where mode. 

Katie liked the splashing water a LOT.

And here is a pic of the three of them.  Zach spent a lot of the time in modesty mode facing the faucet.  He was having fun though.

Our other big adventure lately was today's arrival of our Raffi the Giraffe.  I love the size of this guy.  If I wasn't hoping to get them chairs for their first birthday I'd buy another (hmmm, maybe the frog mom), especially since they come up on Zulily and Totsy quite often.  Heck, if we move into a house I will buy another!  (yes, I said house.  A current obsession of mine...another blog post)

Zach was more interested in getting his mitts on the camera.

Addie liked it, as evidenced by this "what?  I was just taste testing his ear." expression

And I also found some great every day photos.  Such as Zach, who was most definitely Born to be Cool!
Katie the explorer

Addie's little feet

Daddy reading to his daughters

Addie being cute

And the FUNNIEST picture of Katie!  Every time I see one with their hair plastered to their head like this I think of an old Seinfeld episode.  

So, that's what was on my camera this go around.  Hope you enjoyed.  Once we get out in the sun I'll be sure to get some photos up.  Until then, dad is struggling with bed time so I gotta run.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Mother's Day (part 2)

We did take some more "formal" pictures on Mother's Day.  Did I tell you how cute my girls were?  Even though they weren't on sale, the skirt overalls from Gap outlet were definitely worth it!  Mother's Day was a great day for me.  I got to sleep in, I took a long shower (hygiene is a beautiful thing), I received the best necklace that the kiddos already broke the chain on, and I had a great brunch with friends.  Oh, and had the BEST french toast recipe EVER!!  French toast roll ups, yum!  The best part is that the crust gets cut off the bread and anyone who knows me knows I hate the crust of bread. 

And after all of that, we came home and played with our trio.  Everyone had some fun, as evidenced by the previous post.  But knowing my family as I do, all good holidays must have photo shoots.  So, here we go....

my pixie girl

love this little guy, he is the absolute BEST cuddle-er

do you get the feeling Z & A are just waiting to see what K's going to do?

and Z decides a two on one attack will work better

one lucky momma!! (notice the little pig face Addie's got going on? lol)

and saving the best for last....
well, in a second.  Can I just tell you I had a brilliant idea and the conversation went something like this:
me: Hey John, doesn't your camera have a remote?  We could put up the tripod and take a family picture! (great idea huh?!)
John: ok (as you all know, he's a man of few words) ...gets out the remote
John: this probably isn't going to work (as he shows me the cord that would go between the camera and remote is maybe a foot long)
me: uh, when the heck would you use that thing? 
John: well, we could use the timer on my camera and see how that works.

Then we get to see the comedy of John setting up the tripod with three little people at his feet trying to help.  Two of the three little people are standing now too, so that means pulling up on whatever they can find to include tripod legs. It was a bit comedic to see John messing with the extensions trying to get all the legs the same height...but we finally had success (while I occupied some kiddos).  And this is the best of the three results:

 my family

Zach doesn't look too impressed, Katie's wondering where Addie and Daddy came from and Addie just wants a little more room I'm thinking. Get used to it, from what I hear the older they get the harder it is to get three littles facing the same direction, let alone smiling.  I hope everyone else's Mother's Day was a joyous as mine.

*last weekend we started bathing them all together in the tub...yep, lots of pics, another post to come soon*

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers