Tuesday, June 28, 2011

almost July

Yep, it's almost July.  Meaning it's been a few weeks since posting.  My reason/excuse...well, I have none.  It's probably that for me not much seems to change - whereas for others they want to know what's going on with the pregnancy.  I have gained weight.  I'm up almost 40 lbs total, not bad for a triplet pregnancy.  My belly measures at 46 weeks pregnant and my oldest niece can reach around me and if she really reaches her fingertips touch...but she was MORE than willing to tell me "Woah, you're huge!"  Yep, thanks Emmers.  lol  My youngest niece is toooo adorable at her month-old self.  
At this point I'm pretty much bed bound.  Notice I still have a hard time saying strict bed rest.  I do mix in trips to the kitchen with my bathroom outings, but really other than that I'm hanging in bed with my leg/legs elevated to help with swelling.  Now if only the itchy rash would go away it probably wouldn't be so bad.  I've got a pic I'll try to post later.  John also took pics of us dressed up last Sunday.  It was my last real outing, dinner with the fam to celebrate Ted's birthday (and Just/Helayne's anniversary).
Well, on to the dr appointment yesterday.  It was the 32 week appt. All of my complaints were listened to with a sympathetic ear...but no remedies for them until the babies are born.  Unfortunately for me the babies are not minding their current home.  I would love to foreclose on my own belly - but no one else is of the same mind.  Heck, I can't even get myself admitted to the hospital!  lol  My complaints (as most of you read on FB) are swelling, rash, slight headache, nausea, and the fact that I'm 32 weeks and ready to pop.  The swelling is due to size, the rash - eh, ask mom, I've gotten them my whole life, the other stuff is just a part of pg.  I did go in for a monitor at ob/triage b/c my blood pressure was at 147/89 but every other taking was lower.  All the way down to 116/77 I think.... so home they sent me.   If I had to really really complain my two would be the swelling/rash because it is painful to walk/insane to itch and the sore tail bone from bed rest.
My next appointment is next Wed, due to the holiday.  I hope John stays for it.  He's considering starting his telecommuting when he comes down for 4th of July since we've gotta be close.  My only concern is the dogs.  I don't want to leave them in the kennel that long, but don't know what to do.  :(  My next baby appt. is the Monday after - at 34 weeks if I can make it that far.  We'll set the birth plan and hopefully put it in motion!  Again, my dreams of this being over are never quite in line with the drs, so we probably won't put it in motion.  So, that's my life.  Just thinking from one appointment to the next.  One good thing I'll say about being monitored yesterday is that I think I know what contractions feel like now.  Of course, now I think I'm having them - but really 4-5 a day is nothing when they want 4-5 per hour so it's not a big deal.
Hope to get John on here again soon.  His perspective is surely different than mine.  Hubs....whattya say??

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Does anyone else wonder why the zebra is running backward?  I have since the beginning - all the icons face the wrong way on their tickers.  Just a thought.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sleep is so overrated

At least sleep in the way normal people consider it.  After spending a painful, uncomfortable, mostly sleepless night I accepted that I can no longer sleep like a "normal" person.  Meaning, no more true horizontal sleeping for me.  Instead I prop up the pillows as if I was up watching tv and then kinda shift onto my side to sleep.  Much more comfortable.  I think truly laying down just puts too much pressure on all my organs, etc the big ol' babies are sleeping on.

It will be interesting the next weekend John visits.  I've told him quite a few times it would be hard for him to share the bed with me, but it never really was.  Well, now it is.  Not only does he need to bring another pillow for himself since I truly do use 5-6 pillows strategically placed there isn't an extra or two for him anymore.  

Now don't get me wrong.  Finding this better placement doesn't mean sleep is easy coming for me.  I still spend half my night rolling from one side to another once I finally do get to sleep.  As I said, sleep is overrated at this point. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

To all those who think I am overdoing it...

you would be wrong!  Good thing dad isn't going to read this directly, b/c this comment can be edited out for him, but my cervix is still doing awesome.  My goal is to keep doing much of the same.  Getting out of the house 1-2 times a week for a few minutes and other than that hanging in the bedroom.

Report from the baby dr:  she scheduled my next appt for 4 months weeks* out (I see my other dr. every week though, no worries).  The babies all weigh over 3lbs (3.4, 3.6, 3.8 I think), her be all end all date is 37 weeks.  I told her I would be in TEARS if we got that far.  oh my gosh!  Overall, she is more than happy with the progress.  Although I don't necessarily feel all three moving all the time, boy oh boy are they!  There was a power surge right before the appointment so it took a few minutes for their computers to come back up.  John and I were waiting, ready to go.  I was partially reclined with my shirt up, belly exposed and John was freaking out.  The babies decided to show him their kick boxing skills.  lol  My belly was moving all kinds of ways!  He understood a bit more how it can be uncomfortable if that is happening on the inside of you.  (ok, it's kinda cool too :) )  Once we got going the ultrasound confirmed they are constantly on the go.  John asked if they had good heartbeats and she kinda laughed and said, well, I don't know that we need to look with all that movement. 

Now my message to those who are continually talking 4 more weeks (or more)... I understand you feel that way, please don't think that I feel any different.  However, mentally I have to take it literally one day at a time.  If I'm super uncomfortable I take it maybe 30 minutes at a time as I question whether to go to ob/triage or not.  Most of the time when I start to wonder simply laying down, eating, or drinking fixes the issue.  You are more than welcome to talk with John about weeks in the future, but when you talk with me please understand it is very very difficult for me as each day passes.  Taking it one day at a time does get me through the week I believe- seeing as how I made it from 29 to 30.  I still think I am a strong person and I don't feel bad for taking it one day at a time, but I also don't want to offend anyone when I roll my eyes or get annoyed at their "4 more weeks please" comments.  And yes, this even applies to my awesome dr!  I DID tell her I would be in tears probably needing meds if we actually get to 37 weeks.  lol

My goal for this week is to also be vigilant about testing my blood sugar and blood pressure.   My bp is creeping up to my dr's "go to the hospital" point and as much as I know when I should test my blood sugar sometimes life happens.  For instance, today I was supposed to test at 1pm.  Well, about 3pm I realized CRAP - at 1 John was on his way out the door, Carol was in talking with me, and I totally spaced it.  Ugh.  So back to the phone alarm it is.  :/

*thanks for finding the oops Kim!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kudos to Ken!

Kudos to an awesome brother-in-law!  He fixed the alignment of my middle column so everything is visible.  It's so nice to have someone in the family who knows computer code. 

He's done a lot for us lately and deserves our grateful thanks for sure!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

28 and 29 weeks pics

John took this one last weekend @ 29 weeks.

Kim took a pic of us at 28 weeks.  This was two weeks ago this coming Sat. 


I'm at that horrible in-between place of really really wanting to meet my new family, but knowing I need to not meet them yet.  If you could see me trying to type around my belly you would understand.  My arms are literally stretched to the limit trying to reach the keyboard.  Let's just say I won't use numbers b/c they would be a tad difficult right now.  LOL

We're almost 30 weeks (this weekend).  I suppose it's time to pack a hospital bag and make sure John brings the final few things from home for the babes.  Not sure how Kim forgot receiving blankies, silly girl.  It's like she's never had kids or something.  LOL  On a serious note, for someone who hasn't had kiddos, her and Ken did an AWESOME job while in Delta.  I know John is very very grateful as am I.

So, that's where I'm at for the moment.  Food TV has become blase, as has HGTV.  Really, with HGTV I'm tired of seeing ppl shop for new homes knowing that I can't yet.  I'm on to the crime shows and right now have on the Shear Genius marathon from 2007 - yep, the one where Tabitha is an actual contestant.  Can you say done after 3 months??  And yet another month to go if we are lucky.  Sigh.  Yes, I will make it, but it's gettin a little hard.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Go Baby, Go!!

Today's entry brought to you by your guest blogger, John!!!

Some or most of you know that I spent most of the week being a spectator to the redecorating super-twosome of Kim and Ken, who transformed the second bedroom of our place into a baby getaway complete with cribs, rocker/glider, wall decorations, and closet organizers.  Each day of the week I'd come home from work and see a new aspect of the room, or another pile of washed, folded, and organized baby clothes, or newly organized dresser/closet.  Thank you, guys.  You've done more for us than anyone could've hoped for!

Steph is continuing to kick some serious butt, in spite of the kicks, rollovers, head butts, and whatever else the kiddos can dream up to throw at her.  I know it's tough, and readily admit to her that I have NO idea what it can possibly be like, and love her all the more for doing the best she can!

The latest opportunity for her to overcome something is the situation with her glucose test and the dietitian's recommendations to deal with it.  We went to her follow-up appointment this past Friday and were told essentially that Steph's doing better with the new focus on a low-carb diet.  I know it is just about the complete opposite of the diet she'd like to follow, with the absence of sugar and carbs, but she's doing a great job of monitoring and adjusting things to get the numbers down.  She'll be checking in with Joy on Monday to go over the numbers and see if anything above and beyond the new diet and keeping an eye on he numbers is needed.  Keep your fingers crossed!!  I like to think that whatever curves get thrown at us will make this all the sweeter when we get to the finish line...

I'll be back in Anchorage a week from now for our next appointment with the baby-doctor, which will likely be our last of the once-a-month variety, as we'll be getting close!!!!

Will try to put up some nursery pix over the next couple of days once I get back to Ft. Greely.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers