Friday, March 30, 2012

Zach's Back

This is a post I've wanted to do for a while.  It's old info, but I was thinking of the pictures today and they made me smile so I knew I wanted to get back on here and create it tonight.  Oftentimes I feel like one child gets left out of the mix.  I'm sure that is common with multiples and increases with the higher number one is blessed with.  How MoMs of quads do it I honestly have no idea.  Lately, when I think of photos or the blog I feel like Zach gets left out.  Well, in all honesty for a while I was capturing pictures of him in all sorts of funny circumstances.  It's time I share them with you.  I present to you....

Zach's back:

Ever since he was a baby Zach has liked laying on his belly.  In fact, I believe when I was wheeled into the NICU to meet my trio he was on his belly - mere hours after being born.  By the way, can you believe he used to be this tiny?  Sigh.

During my mom's visit over Thanksgiving, Zach was the first to roll over.  It was a complete accident.  He was so mad that we put him on his belly he just flipped back over.  (At that time he was not a happy tummy boy). He did it twice during her visit then not again for quite a while.  However, once he did master the flip boy oh boy, then he LOVED being on his belly (I think it was a control issue, he was now in control).  There was no stopping this boy!  We found him flipping over everywhere we put him!

It would take him a few minutes, then you would hear the sounds of a boy working to get out of his current predicament.

Then he'd see me grab the camera.  "Mom!  Help me, don't take pictures!!"

We saw that face often.  Of course, I never stopped taking pictures.  We have pictures of him flipped over in every bouncy chair, the lounger, heck - even the swing I believe.  This is a determined boy!  But don't let him fool you.  Many times he was very very proud of himself once he was flipped onto his belly - as he should be.

Zach was also the first to sleep full-time on his belly. This does not surprise me, but makes for some darn cute pictures.  Yes, Kim, he is covered in a pink blanket.  It happens.  :)

As I finish this up, I think of my dad.  I have many memories of him grabbing a pillow and laying on the floor for a nap...on his belly.  I have a feeling as Zach gets older he will do the exact same thing.  It will be a site that will bring a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.  That is my boy and his back.  I love his little back (and what a cute diaper butt he has!).

I will leave you with one more picture.  One of my favorites.  My boy.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Food, food, toes!

Our trio has been eating solids for a bit over a month now, and they love it. So much so that I've recently added lunch to our menu. Right now, lunch is only some brown rice cereal or oatmeal with a bit of veg...ok, and maybe a taste of applesauce for a treat. :) I'm a sucker!
As with all meals, Addie prefers the smooth taste of toe between courses.

So of course, her toes end up covered in food. When we are unable to keep her from the special toe-treat that is. Her washcloth routine is toes, fingers, face. Of course, now that I'm typing that it sounds totally wrong. Like it should be face, fingers, toes...but really the face is the messiest so it is the way it is.

As we have already introduced cereals (rice/oatmeal), carrots, sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans, and apples I decided it should be time to truly introduce them to food. Up until this point we have done the feeding. Last night I chose to change that up. Getting out their trays for the first time we let them get involved in their feeding. This pic is of just the girls because Zach was napping and so we fed him at the end of their feeding.

To prepare for this, we stripped them down to their diapers. They didn't really know what to do with the food on the trays at first. They played with it - avocado - and drew it all around their trays. Addie was the first to put a finger to her mouth, which was a tad surprising. Zach however, well, we could only find two of the three trays, the third being hidden in the basement somewhere, so he was given Addie's tray. Where the girls were a tad hesitant to dig in, our boy showed no fear! He dug right into the avocado on her tray and loved it when I added a touch more for him. He had avocado finger paint up to his elbows and loved every second of it!

To continue with our night of adventures, I also steamed some red pepper strips for them to experiment with. The meaning behind a lot of this is to introduce them to different textures and to allow them to start connecting the dots with them feeding themselves. Up until now John and I had been feeding them from a bowl ourselves, no trays, no real child involvement at all. The end goal will be them moving on to finger foods in a few months.
While all three enjoyed the pepper, Katie really really enjoyed it. (I hope the video works). If it does you can hear me talking about Addie getting the pepper and her belly. Both girls did that quite a bit. It made me smile.

YouTube Video

So, these are our new adventures in eating. Messy, fun, learning adventures in eating.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just tutu cute!

So, moms buying online made us just tutu cute today! And proves that Addie has the tiniest, skrawniest legs.

but she likes her cute tutu. So much even her onesie is smiling! :)

Katie is just as tutu cute as Addie is! This is the best pic of them staying upright in the leather chair.

Doesn't take long for someone to start sliding down.

When that someone is Katie, you know escape is on the mind. She slid all the way down and out the chair (I was there to catch her with my lap). I'm thinking she loves this chair because it was so easy to get out of. lol

And then there was one again.

who noticed mom had a camera..."oooohhh, technology...I gotta get my hands on that!" she thought.

Silly girl.

No worries, Zach was not left out today. Well, he was left out of the tutus, but not of cute pictures.

such cute little feet this guy has!

Really, all of my littles are escape artists..and amazing back-benders.

That was our Sunday fun. Oh, well, and introducing them to finger painting via dinner...but that will be tomorrow post. :)
Loves from us and the littles!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers