Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby Update

Had an ob checkup on Monday.  All is good.  With the dr. measuring, I am 24 weeks measuring at 34 weeks.  When I posted on FB the measurements, it was one I had done with a fabric measuring tape and a chart I found online.  lol.  I have gained 20 lbs total... need to keep going, and I am.  All who have seen me say I have increased my liquid intake at least 500% fold if not more.  I do eat a lot, but it is just so hard to eat as much as I need to.  

The heartbeats were pretty close together.  It was hard to get a reading on the second girl because she was moving so much.  Stinks a little, because hearing them is reassuring.  

I also went to a physical therapist last week and had a follow up today.  My back muscle is much better.  I can't remember what it is called - gee, can't remember back to high school science... imagine that!  She said it is the muscle that connects the bottom rib to the pelvic bones that is just never getting a break causing my ribs to hurt.  She laughed in a good way that my issues are so specific making them easier to address.  She helped give it a break and taught me how to at home.  In the matter of the one week it is feeling much better and she could tell it was less tense today.  

So - bottom line, all is good.  I'm still a little mobile, but walking too much is just tough.  There is still lots of pressure on my pelvis just making it uncomfortable.  BUT, if that is the worst complaint then life is pretty good. 


Lynda said...

keep up the good work girl - love you

Kimberly said...

In my 'lost post' I mentioned that I love hearing the 'baby brewing' stories (after telling you that I was waiting for a REAL blog post like the one you did today)...on that note, keep the good news about those doc appointments and the PT coming! :)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers