Thursday, May 30, 2013

If I only Had a Brain

My word! I used to pride myself on being smart. I used to be a problem solver. A think-outside-of-the-box-er.

Then I had kids.

This past winter during a play date, it was lunchtime. My mom friend helped get the kids in their chairs and promptly scooted the chairs to the table. Mind blown! What?!? Chairs straight to the table? No trays? Halle-freaking-luah! Something I had NEVER even thought of, she saw right away. She honestly believed that's how we had been doing it, chairs to the table. Well, let me tell you it's how we do it now! In fact, I've got new booster seats on order hoping to get rid of the bigger high chairs all together.

Today I was Skyping with my mom. I had the nongenius idea to pull the kids toddler chairs over to try to keep them off the dining chair and further from the table/computer. (If you are wondering, no, it didn't work). I then turned the computer to show grandma all three little standing on the now bare table. She then asked why the table wasn't in the basement - something I threaten often. Then she said "why don't you just turn it upside down?" Are you kidding me? Upside down? As in no longer a scalable object?? Mind blown!

This afternoon we had one scuffle if the kids trying to move the chairs and such, but no more climbing. None.

So, what else ya got for me? Clearly I am no longer a see-the-big-picture kind of thinker. I'll take any and all grand, basic, usual, or crafty ideas you got. And you know I mean clever crafty 'cause I sure as heck ain't got time for Martha crafty! 😉

Further proof I have no brain? I swear there was another example I have that I canNOT for the life of me remember.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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