Thursday, May 2, 2013

Our latest trouble

The trio is becoming more and more aware of what is and isn't supposed to happen in our house. For the past few months they have been tattle tales.  Meaning if something was going on that shouldn't be and that we couldn't see you would hear someone protesting and see them pointing at the offending action.  But, the times they are a'changing.  Now, instead of just "ah-ah-ah-ah" and pointing, they take charge to rectify the situation. For instance, the kids know the dogs are not supposed to be on the couch.  However, the dogs love getting on the couch to look out the window.  So, the other day when Zach saw both dogs on the back of the couch, we walked over next to them patting Oliver on the hind quarters saying "no, no, no, no"  Of course the dogs do not listen to him (mind you they barely listen to me), but it still alerts me to a problem I may not have seen so I can take care of it.  And he was very proud of himself.

Today, Katie was the one to alert me to a problem.  Mind you, I heard the commotion, just didn't realize it wasn't being made for the simple fun of making a commotion.  Crazy, but it does happen.  As she came up to me, tapped me on the hip, and walked away pointing...I followed.  This is what I found:

 Zach is obsessed with closing the gate lately.  Unfortunately, he is not always on the correct side of the gate.  Katie was very concerned that he was on the wrong side.  The commotion was Zach acting like he was in jail, banging the gate back and forth.  Silly boy.

 He is very patient waiting for Mom to get her camera and take pics though.

And LOOK WHO WAS WITH HIM!  It's like he knew Oliver was still upstairs so he wanted to wait for him.  He thought it was too funny they were both stuck.

 A boy and his dog.  I just know Zach is saying "don't worry, Oliver, I'll get you out".

"Uhh, Mom...are you ever going to let us out of here?  I just know someone could use a new diaper".  

Yes, I did let them out.  Of course, once I opened the gate he just wanted to shut it again.  It took some cajoling to convince him to walk through the gate before closing it. And lest you think he is the only culprit...poor Addie tries to close the gate before walking up the stairs.  Only problem with that is that there are only a few inches between the gate and the first step.  Not quite enough room for her to really close the gate AND start up the steps at the same time.  She's determined to figure it out though.



Kimberly said...

Love reading the blog, so excited for a blog a day!! Let me know if you need a guest blogger one day!!

Carey Anthony said...

Kimberly knows this story, but one of my best friends from college had a baby boy, then 3 years later decided to try for a girl and had twin boys. 9 months after the twins were born she tried one more time and had twin boys again! So she had 5 under the age of five. 2 years after that, she finally had her girl Think of that small consolation next time you're at the end of your rope. :-)

Stephanie said...

The two sets of twins 18 mos apart, yikes! At least they finally got a girl. I would love to have *one* more but I know it's not in the cards for us. I am beyond grateful we hit the jackpot with both genders.

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