Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh to schedule

Ok, first let me say I KNOW we need to read Baby Wise.  I have it in the bag I took to the hospital, heck, I've had it all summer when I was on bed rest and still have yet to read the book.  The book is with the baby shower thank you's that I'm still working on.  ugh!

Back to the book, I'm starting it today.  We have struggled so much with a schedule it's not even funny.  Everyone and everything says to stick to the NICU schedule.  We tried so hard to do that, but somehow it just keeps getting messed up.  How you ask?  Because Zach is a fussy baby and we tend to give in and feed him early to get him to stop crying.  Not the way to deal with a fussy baby I don't think, but it's what we have done.  Well that results in him starting to think he wants a 3-hour schedule.  We can't have him on a 3 hour schedule and the girls on a totally different schedule.  Today we are headed for everyone eating at a different time which will create 24-7 feeding pretty much.  NOT A GOOD IDEA for mom's sanity!  So, instead we have chosen to get them back on a 6-10-2 schedule.  The hope is that John can help with the 10 pm feeding. 

hours later the update continues....

well, things were going ok for the 2pm feeding and we got them all down for a while before the 6pm feeding...then we encounter another story.  They were up until about 8pm after that feeding and I don't think Kate has gone to sleep yet.  Oh the joys of a full moon approaching.  ;)  We are fast approaching another feeding so I'm going to wrap this up.  Need to start reading that book!!

To ponder in the next few days... how to get to the drive in one last time????

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Hang in there some point it really will get easier. I must say I really miss the littles - don't miss the hours tho.

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