Monday, April 4, 2011

Mom and the Dr. office

I had a check up today.  I knew mom would get to hear the heartbeats, which she did.  That was fun enough.  When she asked me if I've been having any cramps or pain I told her growing pains, which led to a "we should get a sonogram next week".  I knew mom would be ecstatic about that!  Turns out we went in today!!

Mom got to see all three moving, squirreling kiddos.  I know she was happy and we have more sonogram pics.  All is looking great.  tmi for some, but cervix is still great.  :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Woo-hoo!!! Glad to know that everything is still A-OK! I bet Mom was pretty thrilled. Take care & love you both!!

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