Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother's Day (part 1)

Well, in wanting to make my sister happy I got prepared to write my late Mother's Day post. However, all the photo session pics are on the laptop, so you get the fun pics of the day first. And for good measure, a video too. Here's hoping this tides everyone over until (hopefully) tomorrow when I get to the fun pics we took. We even took some family pics...boy will that be a story.

So, for MD I dressed my girls as cute as buttons! They were in jean skirt overalls and baby legs. Katie likes showing of her baby legs as you can tell. And no, Zach's pants weren't that small, but they have been relegated to the "don't fit anymore no matter how much mom loves them" pile.

Addie was full of smiles that evening.

As was Katie

And Zach was trying to figure out the stairs. He's still not too sure on them, it can get up to the first one. Katie on the stairs, a master...too much so in fact but I'll save my heart attack post for another day.

Also, for those that read fb, you know this is the first day we saw Addie stand. Notice her little bit of chunk on her legs. Little peanut is trying to catch up.

And this was Addie before standing. We do NOT give our kids sugar (or crack for that matter). This is just standard Addie. Remember a few posts ago I told you about her gentle index finger? Yep, you will see all sides of her here.

YouTube Video

Hope this little glimpse into our Mother's Day evening helped with the baby fix. Promise to get the rest of the pics up SOON.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Family feud!!! Ken says Katie is the cutest, I think Addie. The video swayed him a bit my way....but in the end we agree we have the CUTEST nieces and nephew ever!!!! I love her teeth, Ken loves Katie's personality that shines through. Cannot wait to see them again. Love to all and thank you for the update!

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