Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Birds of a feather

We missed library time yesterday. I haven't felt good the past few days. Today it seems the kids chose to take matters into their own hands.

It all started with Addie. She just wanted to sit in the chair, covered up, and read her book. Zach decided she needed pillows.

My beautiful girl

Then Zach decided to join her.

All was calm for about 25 seconds.

Notice the peek sneaking?

Addie was very concerned that her blankie stay up under her chin. A modest child.

And what is fun for two can only be meant for three.

Mind you, very little book reading occurred from this point forward.

Next week we must get back out to the actual library.


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1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I liked library time at home, great pics!! Those are truly the sweetest kids ever!! Ticker booked for November, can't wait!

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