Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fun Family Catch-Up

Just a fun family catch-up since I am too tired to write out Zach's post tonight.  Yes, I do everything in birth order.  I'm sure I will have to change at some point because I don't want Addie to think I always put her last.  I don't, but my brain just runs in birth order.

New Milestones:
> Zach is starting to take one or two steps on his own.  At the moment only to get from one object to another one.  It will be fun to see what develops this next week.

> We tried pizza tonight.  Hawaiian pizza.  My kids get enough "just cheese" stuff, so we decided to go Hawaiian.  I would say it was a hit.  Especially if you consider the fact that Zach looked like he had a bad spray tan and Addie had sauce on her forehead. 

> My kids LOVE watermelon.  No surprise.  Dad went to give them more, he started with just ONE small piece for Zach.  I laughed.  He gave Zach three.  By the time he got from the table to the counter (which really just means he turned around) there was no watermelon on Zach's tray.

> I believe Zach and Addie know the sign language sign for "done".  Why do I not include Katie you wonder?  Because Katie will make the done sign, smile, then bang on her tray because it is empty and she wants more food.  Silly girl.  Zach and Addie however were shaking their little hands at me and they really WERE done.  Momma pride. (and excuse to keep watching Baby Signing Times)

> Katie has two new top teeth.  Addie is getting her first set of bottom molars.  Of course, she hasn't broken her second set of bottom teeth, but molars they are a-comin.

> We are finally calling it quits on the 6 mo clothes for Addie.  She is almost 14 months.  They do still fit.  However, since they are becoming snug and we have more than enough 9 mo and 12 mo, it's time to say goodbye.

*Random info - my husband is watching wrestling on tv.  I can see  the reflection in the window.  My husband NEVER watches wrestling.  I believe this is a sign of how tired we all are.

> We had a great trip to Fairbanks today.  Minus the lunch, kinda.  We timed our trip to leave at their morning nap.  We were able to use the double stroller and put one lucky child in a cart at each location.  We got everything on our list, except contact lens cases which never make the list because I always forget until I take out my contacts.  We even picked up dinner, pizza, see above milestone.  The kids took a nap on the way home, so we let them stay up a bit later, but all in all a GREAT trip.  Minus the lunch, kinda.  :)

That's our life at the moment.  We are doing ok with the laundry and dishes every night.  I did take one night off, and tonight John moved towels from the washer to the dryer so I called it complete.  Haha.  Sometimes those little breaks are just needed.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Love the fun family stories!!! I think 5 loads of laundry a week is good, give yourself 2 days off; or plan on 2 days off with double loads on days John is home. :)

Sorry I couldn't skype this weekend; next weekend for sure before they are all walking!

Love you guys ~ K

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