Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cans o'formula

Do we really go through a can a day? Yep! I recorded it for posterity proof I mean. now I believe in full disclosure we are only using the 12oz cans because Enfamil is phasing them out, going to a 12.? oz can instead, so the case of six is $30 off.

I'm sure the extra however many ounces will bring a hefty price thank you to Sam's Club for carrying it.

We begin the night running the dishwasher immediately after the 7pm feeding. Then about 9-10pm we get prepared...

John thought it would be quicker to use a bigger measuring device, so we discovered that a half cup is six scoops. (I've since gone back to just counting scoops).

I make 40 oz at a time which requires three measuring cups plus two scoops. That makes about 47 oz, which in turn makes all of Addie's 7oz bottles and three plus of the eight 8 oz bottles we need. I make two of these batches. Which creates this....empty can...

And that empty can, plus a touch from another can - maybe two scoops, created this...

That's 12 bottles plus an extra to use for mixing cereal, avocado, or what have you. Right now it is just these bottles and one meal of solids. I'm hoping to add another meal of solids soon, but I don't think it will cut the formula at all. Until the age of one they get their nutrients from the milk and the food is really just a learning experience.

For those that were with us at the beginning you know this is quite a change. We used to hand wash all bottles and parts. We used to make formula multiple times per day. The littles used to not always finish their bottles. That has all changed now. Things really do get easier with triplets. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Lynda said...

some things have to get easier - good to know it is finally happening.

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