Friday, May 3, 2013

What else ya got?

Because really, I can take it. Proof being that I made it through today. Possibly one of the longest, worst circumstances day of my life. Not just life since littles. Life.

We begin with:

Can you say not a typical Katie pose. Meaning she felt horrible. As did the other two. It seems a week of puking, diarrhea, and general ickiness does not agree with them. Imagine that.

Contrary to many pictures posted this week, this is NOT usually a common sight in our house.

Ok, wait, this is a common sight, but it's usually John.
As you can imagine, I actually appreciated the fact we had a dr appt today. I mean c'mon, really??

It may seem Zach was just playing, but no. So we left for the dr early. The littles slept. All was good.

Dr appt - well, I'll save that for tomorrow. I'm too mentally and emotionally drained to recap it tonight. All is good, info to follow.

Post dr appt I had to make a quick run to Fred's. We were out of pedialyte, I wanted to try Gatorade with them, needed more infant get the picture. Fred's is about 5 minutes from the dr. As I pulled into my parking space I almost started crying. Why? See for yourself.

That my lovely friends is puke. I can still smell it hours later. Puke. All. Over.

It took this, but finally hubby feels for me ('scuse his language, but it was appropriate).

So after many wipes, a change of clothes, etc. we went shopping. Like this.

I shopped like I was John in a Walmart! Speed racer!!

So I'm exhausted. I'm still near tears. But I'm pretty sure that anything you can come up with to throw at me...I can take it. Now, can you just trust me on that and not actually test it out? It'd be much appreciated.

Loves blah.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Kimberly said...

You are amazing mom!! 40 hours, you can do it, I know it!!

Pam said...

Wow, Stephanie, I am reading this post and admiring your ability to be a SuperHero!!! Also, a moment of "funny" to me was one of the two grocery cart pictures where in the top right hand corner of the picture, it eludes to the fact that there is a "baby sale $10"....was hoping you were not going to sell one of the littles - LOL :) hang in there!

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