Thursday, May 2, 2013

BADM Oops #1

What exactly is BADM??  Blog a day in May.  Why Oops #1?  Well, it's May 2 and I already forgot to add a blog post yesterday.  I am sure this may happen again this month, hence the #1.  Should we take bets on how often this will happen?  Let's see how low I can keep the oops number.  I'm not going to challenge myself to any set number of oopsies though, as I'm already challenging myself to blog for 31 days in a row!

Why in the world would I challenge myself to this?  I know I want to record the lives of the trio more than I already am.  I know I want to start using this blog more.  All elements come together in a grand plan!  Couldn't be more perfect.  And, even better by choosing this month you will get to follow us through a crazy changing spring.

Where we are at the beginning of the month:
~ Still living in Fort Greely.  You know, that place that when we moved here we said it was for a year or two.  Well, SEVEN years later we are still here!!  Yowza.  We will be looking for change soon.  This house is very quickly becoming too small for our family of 2+3+2.  This winter was very taxing on us both.  Where will all these "something needs to change" thoughts take us??  Hmmmmm.

~ The kids will be 22 months next week.  We are going for the 18 month well child check tomorrow.  The timing couldn't be better as all three have been sick.  Addie seems to take colds the best, and tummy sickness the worst.  If we didn't already have an appointment tomorrow we'd be taking her in anyway.  While Auntie Kim was visiting we weighed the kids.  We estimate their weights to be 21, 22, and 23 pounds (Addie, Kate, Zach).  It will be interesting to see how close we were tomorrow. 

~ Developmentally our kids are doing pretty darn great.  We are still dealing with the swoop.  Zach's is maybe worse while the girls just keep on with their regular inserts.  More on that later.  If I have to blog for 31 days I can't give you all the updates now. ;)  Speech is a concern for me with Katie.  Zach and Addie are starting to talk up a storm.  Katie is my quiet girl who prefers to sign.  Otherwise they are developmentally on track.  I expect them to take off with their learning as summer appears and they get out of the confines of the living room.

So.  That is where we are now.  Where will we be at the end of the month? Who knows!  It will be fun to get there together though.  Until then, here is a pic of the trio at Easter.


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