Not being ready to go until lunchtime, we choose to go picnic style at the Drive In on the 70+ degree day. As we pull up at 12:20 I realize we are just in time for the Imagination Library's birthday story time. As Daddy waited for food, three little people and I walked over the field to the bday celebration. I'm proud of the trio for sitting through a rather long story about a horse trying to get a bday cake for his cowboy. Once over, our food had arrived. Truly perfect timing.
We got to Fairbanks, picked up our dining room bench and chairs that had been repaired (no more loose seats/dropping screws!), and discovered Alaskaland (Pioneer Park) has no admission. Seriously!? A great little park and NO admission. How did I never know this?!? So we went.
The Good.
The kids loved it! The ice cream cone and friendly beagle after sliding didn't hurt either. Then we were off to First Care. John dropped Katie and I off while he occupied the other two. Still good: we only waited maybe 5 minutes before getting called back. There was nobody there.
The Bad.
We were both diagnosed with 'developing pneumonia'. Katie played photographer for a while during the waiting for the dr.
I may have 100 similar photos on my phone at the moment.
The Ugly.
The dr said my right lung sounded coarse and Katie's he couldn't really hear at all, so chest X-ray time. Not ideal to have my not even 2-yo get a chest X-ray, but do I wait until pneumonia is bad enough that they can finally hear it? It was a lose lose decision so I made the best one I could. I thought about posting a pic of the machine they use to get a toddler to hold still enough, but I just can't. Lets just say its not easy on anyone involved.
I know not everyone would make the same choices I did. I just made the best ones I could in the moment, with our circumstances, for our family.
The even uglier. The dr sent us to the wrong pharmacy with 8 minutes to spare before they closed. No prescripts. I called our usual pharmacy, yes, we have them. Over we drive..only to find out they too close at the same time. Imagine the feeling of driving 100 miles AWAY from the medicine for your child as we went home empty handed. Yes, me too but I don't care about that as much.
Side note: at the first pharm John also discovered he had LOST the insurance check from Feb that we had finally remembered to bring/cash. Seriously, by this point we were all over what had started as a good day.
Overnight John, Addie, and Zach all erupted into full blown congestion, cough, etc. We may be back in Fairbanks for them later this week. John did go yesterday to get our meds, but what guy will go to First Care on their own?
So, in short, we are all sick. Again. But..for sickies, my kids wear their new pj's pretty darn well!
She's waving to Auntie Kim, who I said the pics were for. 😀
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I feel for you, Angus had to have a chest xray when he was about a year old...I think I cried more than he did, it was torture....hope you are feeling better soon....last 4 days of work this week...bring on the Summer!
It has to get better - hopefully the meds will work out. Love the new PJ's
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