Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dr appt

The quick and the dirty.

Katie 20lb 12oz
Zach 20lb 9oz
Addie 21lb 3oz

Their weights are small due to their vomit fest. We all expect them to shoot back up when they can eat again. They are maintaining their respective percentages, so no worries.

The only changes we have to make are using fluoride toothpaste - a little smear safe for swallowing. Our water is not fluoridated and they need a small amt for their teeth so she said toothpaste is the best way to provide it as it's direct to their teeth. I asked about vitamins, she said vit D is the most important. The other vitamins in a gummy will neither help nor hurt, but I found bogo chewy vit d kids vitamins so I got those. Zach LOVES them (think meltdown tears when he couldn't just eat then all). Addie tasted and tried to give it back to me. Haha.

Short, sweet. Hope to have some better posts next week when I get some emotional, physical, mental relief. Less than 24 hours now...and I already asked John to take Monday off. Yes, it is that bad here. If nothing else I will sleep in and he can go in late, but only if our children are well.

loves from a defeated mommy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Agree 100% with the need for you to take some time Monday am, so glad that's going to happen. Not surprised about the fluoride, major debate in Portland right now about adding it to the water. I say yes. Eat your vitamins Addie!! :)

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