Thursday, January 5, 2012


Time. Everyone complains about not having enough of it, but I think Moms of Multiples experience this to an extreme. On one hand my day resembles Groundhog Day. I do the same things over and over, every three hours in fact. Change, feed, entertain, try to coax into napping, entertain, change, feed, ...well I'm sure you get the picture. On the other hand there are the chores, both personal and household. By personal I mean hygiene. Yep, that is now on the chore list. Something I hope to get to, but honestly don't every day. Heck, in the beginning brushing my teeth was a luxury! Don't worry, that now happens on a daily basis again. Showering, not so much. well, time is also a mystery when I type away and the program suddenly closes on me, losing my work! Ugh! It was good too, it really was! Ok, enough with the exclamation points. I'll try to get back to this post after making formula. Until then, don't my kiddos have such cute little buttbutts? I think so, especially in cute butt pants.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lynda said...

yes, those are cute little butbuts!

Kimberly said...

Love cute butt pants!! I can totally see the Groundhog Day reference! You should pick a day with no fussing and lock that one in for a month!

Love to all those cute butts up there!

Kimberly said...

That Zach can sure be lazy can't he??!! Pick up your head little man! :-)

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