Do you remember that song? Party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-i-ime...I don't recall at all what song it was but that was the chorus (heck, that's probably the name of it). Well, my Katie girl somehow discovered that song last night. All littles were in bed by 8:30, a great night for us. A few fusses that took John and I to calm down, but we are calming them in their cribs trying to create good habits as early as possible. Then my little K decided mom was having too much fun catching up on her tv (early to bed means mom get nighttime tv again! woohoo) and wanted to join the fun. She started screaming and would not settle, so I brought her down with me. Soon after Zach followed. Ugh. I was up until after 2am with both, John even joined me for a while about the 2am mark. Zach finally went into the pack-n-play and Katie squirmed in my arms until 3:45. Such a long night! Addie of course, declined the invite and slept all night so she started making noises about 6:30ish. They had a tired cranky momma today. I really tried to still play with them, but the 20-minutes-tops naps were not helping. One of the tough "mom of multiples" days. But, I have more cute pics to share. They are from the other day since pics were out of my energy range today, but this one is too cute...

This one is Zach man. I had piled him with a blankie, his little monkey that you can't even see, and his sock monkey then realized hey, do I have a little boy in there? hehe
Addie's been having trouble napping, so she fell asleep on my chest and I laid her on the couch in front of me. Such a sweet girl when she sleeps huh? Yep, WHEN she sleeps, too bad she doesn't sleep much during the day.

and I leave you with the guy who has my heart, aside from John that is...

I love his giggles so much. They brighten my day no matter how tired.
Please note, second blog post in two days, so far so good on the resolution. Now I need to start figuring out what to write about to start making this blog interesting.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1 comment:
I hope you like my corresponding post! You do indeed have the cutest babies ever!!! Love the blog! Hope you get some sleep this weekend!
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