That was John's contribution to his morning meeting. The bigger problem? Breast pump failure! So after the 5am feeding I got ready to pump, turned it on, and ... nothing. Nothing. No energy; motor dead. Never even considered this possibility when we got a used pump. So adventures in breastfeeding began. At each feeding two kiddos are getting a boob apiece. The third is getting the bottle. Don't worry, I also called my favorite store in Fairbanks and purchased, over the phone, a new pump they put in the mail today. :)
The positives of adventureland: it's working. The babes are getting fed and don't seem to need much topping off with a bottle when done. I'm really hoping this will help increase my milk supply too. I'm still nowhere near what other moms can achieve. Makes me sad and stressed and no, having people tell me what a great job my little amount is doesn't help when other moms are getting WAY more.
The downside to adventureland: time. Man it takes a while to breastfeed! Frustration. Having your baby screaming as they struggle with it is tough. Bf'ing is always portrayed as this great thing that's just natural and easy. Well for me it's neither. Not natural simply because there are three of them needing to be fed. Not easy again because there are three of them needing to be fed lol.
Well Katie and I are starting to fall asleep finally, as it's time to start feeding again. She has been awake since the 9pm feeding waking up every time I tried to put her down, So her and I started early. About time to wake everyone else now too. Don't worry I'll hop on my computer and fix all typos later today. Texting a post is tough!!
As witness to the equipment failure and its aftermath, I can tell you that it is not easy on Mom. What used to be 2 or 2 1/2 hours of sleep has turned into 1, maybe. The babes are enjoying the extra attention, but Mom is exhausted. It is good to have a third party here to try to pick up the slack, but there is only so much a grandma can do. My time here is coming to a close, while I am anxious to get home and find what my new normal will be, I will miss the kiddos a lot. Yes, even Sophie and Oliver who get in bed with me in the mornings. Try as I might, I have not managed to wear Sophie down - I run her legs off and she begs for more. Oliver, however, is quite contented, constantly checking on the babies. Will be going home with lots of pictures.
Like I said before, you amaze me. I have one and it has not been natural or easy. I want to slap the LC's in the breastfeeding class. Lizzie decided to cluster feed from 4 until 11 - rendering me helpless.
It so time consuming. People don't get that.
I hope your new pump gets her fast!
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