Boy, it's going to take a lot to get up to date. That's what happens when you stop for so long. lol
The babes are most likely 7# or over at this point. They are pretty much getting weekly weight checks and at each one they are close to breaching that next pound mark. You would never know they are gaining so much weight if you change a wet diaper, jeesh some of those things can weigh upwards of 10# it seems! And don't even get us started on the dirty dirty ones. Funny story, John walked in today as Mom (Gammy) was starting to change Addie's hear a "wholy cow, what happened?" Our response, "she pooped" I guess he just wasn't expecting it to FILL the diaper and cover her whole bottom half, or so it seemed anyway. Mom and I are both thinking the iron supplements the kiddos started this week sure aren't binding much. Haha
Mom (a tough word to use nowadays because it now refers to both me and mom) has been here since the Thursday after they were released. She will be going back home next weekend and we will all surely miss her. The most important thing as she leaves is to do a kid count. I'm fairly certain she will try to smuggle someone out with her! Really, anyone who spends time with our love bugs can't blame her.
Personalities. Everyone asks if their personalities are starting to show yet. Of course we reply.
Zach is a fussybutts. He truly hates is diaper being changed, his clothes being changed, being put down, going to sleep, waking up, being held, not being held...are you getting the picture? However, he has the best kissy face expression when he's full. He lifts his eyebrows to scrunch his forhead, puckers his little lips, and starts shaking his little face at you as if to say "don't you just wanna snuggle me?" And of course we do.
Kate is our little chubby cheek singer girl. You realize as you are feeding her that she is humming to you. Kim even heard her humming the other night as I was feeding her while chatting with auntie. Our Katers is also known for freeing that one arm or that one leg, hence making them chilly chilly, then waking up because she's cold. Silly girl, if you would just keep your arm in your blankie you wouldn't be cold. Another funny Katie girl trait that I'm not sure where she got it, our girl is part Jewish for sure! Every time she sucks her paci I swear she's saying "oy oy oy oy oy". It is sooo funny!
Addie girl is just our little round faced angel. She has John's features it seems with the full, dark hair and eyelashes galore. Her face is a round round little thing, so different from Zach and Kate. She is just a content little one who will patiently wait her turn (most of the time). Unfortunately the girl is so tiny we have to give her a little booster seat when we put her in the bouncies or the swing. Hmmm, wonder who she gets that from? As I sit here thinking "what is Addie known for?" it then dawns on me - that girl LOVES herself a good stretch. You release her from her blankie and boy oh boy, she stretches and sighs a good one. Sometimes you have to just wait a minute or so for her to get it all out of her system.
Those are our littles for now. I'll post pics later this weekend. Everyone is getting a bath tonight and putting on some special clothes so pics for sure. Also, by everyone getting a bath I do mean everyone. Showering (heck, even getting dressed) is pretty much over rated these days between feeding, changing, cleaning bottles, making formula, breathing for a second, sneaking a nap, etc. I told John last night we need to make time for me to start showering at night just to guarantee I get one in more than once a week. Ew, I know but it is what it is.
I'll do what I can to have mom and/or John guest post with their perspective of the first few weeks. Until then, loves from the littles!
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