Yep, it's almost July. Meaning it's been a few weeks since posting. My reason/excuse...well, I have none. It's probably that for me not much seems to change - whereas for others they want to know what's going on with the pregnancy. I have gained weight. I'm up almost 40 lbs total, not bad for a triplet pregnancy. My belly measures at 46 weeks pregnant and my oldest niece can reach around me and if she really reaches her fingertips touch...but she was MORE than willing to tell me "Woah, you're huge!" Yep, thanks Emmers. lol My youngest niece is toooo adorable at her month-old self.
At this point I'm pretty much bed bound. Notice I still have a hard time saying strict bed rest. I do mix in trips to the kitchen with my bathroom outings, but really other than that I'm hanging in bed with my leg/legs elevated to help with swelling. Now if only the itchy rash would go away it probably wouldn't be so bad. I've got a pic I'll try to post later. John also took pics of us dressed up last Sunday. It was my last real outing, dinner with the fam to celebrate Ted's birthday (and Just/Helayne's anniversary).
Well, on to the dr appointment yesterday. It was the 32 week appt. All of my complaints were listened to with a sympathetic ear...but no remedies for them until the babies are born. Unfortunately for me the babies are not minding their current home. I would love to foreclose on my own belly - but no one else is of the same mind. Heck, I can't even get myself admitted to the hospital! lol My complaints (as most of you read on FB) are swelling, rash, slight headache, nausea, and the fact that I'm 32 weeks and ready to pop. The swelling is due to size, the rash - eh, ask mom, I've gotten them my whole life, the other stuff is just a part of pg. I did go in for a monitor at ob/triage b/c my blood pressure was at 147/89 but every other taking was lower. All the way down to 116/77 I think.... so home they sent me. If I had to really really complain my two would be the swelling/rash because it is painful to walk/insane to itch and the sore tail bone from bed rest.
My next appointment is next Wed, due to the holiday. I hope John stays for it. He's considering starting his telecommuting when he comes down for 4th of July since we've gotta be close. My only concern is the dogs. I don't want to leave them in the kennel that long, but don't know what to do. :( My next baby appt. is the Monday after - at 34 weeks if I can make it that far. We'll set the birth plan and hopefully put it in motion! Again, my dreams of this being over are never quite in line with the drs, so we probably won't put it in motion. So, that's my life. Just thinking from one appointment to the next. One good thing I'll say about being monitored yesterday is that I think I know what contractions feel like now. Of course, now I think I'm having them - but really 4-5 a day is nothing when they want 4-5 per hour so it's not a big deal.
Hope to get John on here again soon. His perspective is surely different than mine. Hubs....whattya say??
l;;k m8m],
OK, that last comment was actually Mia stepping on the keyboard right when I started typing - she sends her love Steph!!!
Loved the update and am just so damn proud of what you are doing - it is amazing!!! Can't even get yourself admitted to the hospital - ha!!!
So wish I could be closer to you - you know I am only a 3 hour flight away!! Mom too!!! Say the word and one of us will be on our way.
Hang in there little tomato!!!
Who would ever have thunk it? I know that this pregnancy is not the one you dreamed of, but I truly believe the rewards will far outweigh the pains.
Love the pics taken last weekend, you make a beautiful preggers gal.
Just know that we love you and can hardly wait to meet the grand-angels!
Thanks for sending love ms. mia!!
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