get an ultrasound for deep vein thrombosis or blood clot in your leg. OMG! Now, I'm kinda priding myself on the fact that ob/triage does not know me by name. I have been in a total of 4 times (including last night) one of which was dr. recommended - per my last post I believe.
Last nights adventure...Sat and Sun just seemed like my little girl who used to be really really active wasn't as much so. Saturday I could annoy her enough to respond to me and I read that 10 kick/movement counts within 2 hours is good - but she just went to town, so I relaxed some. Yesterday she wasn't playing that game, so I decided to go ahead and get checked. Yes, I will admit I am probably becoming more paranoid now that we are into week 33. Anywho, John and I head in and even though I say I'm having triplets we again remind them we need room 6 so two monitors can fit. We had the nicest nurse, so calm and relaxed. She was really monitoring A & C because for a bit she was concerned she was picking up the same heartbeat and she wanted to make sure she was getting both. After 20 minutes of watching them (the norm) I then had to down some ice ice water so baby B would wake up and have the heartbeat fluctuations as expected. Kinda funny you could almost see the water hit him as his monitor started going up and down as it should. For those of you who are totally confused, the nurse was comfortable that all three were fine and hb's were as expected. No worries.
Then she asked about other issues/concerns. In regards to the rash, it still is not on my belly so not a big worry. I'll ask my dr. about a topical cream this week. But, the swelling in the leg...well, as I was laying there for the monitoring my right leg just ballooned up. It was clear looking at my foot that one was much more swollen than the other. Between that and the firmness of the swelling, when she talked to the dr she mentioned it and they decided to rule out a clot or deep vein thrombosis. You hear about DVT on airplanes and such. Well, to check for this you need an ultrasound. So, wheeled through the back hallways of the hospital I go. Now, the tech did warn that it would hurt, but OMG, seriously seriously painful. They push the u/s wand into your leg to get a good pic of the veins. Well, when you leg is swollen and sore to begin with, sure, lets press firmly into it. After seeing my first grimace John came over and let me squeeze all the blood from his hand. Lucky for me they say there is nothing there, but oddly enough the swelling won't go down. I say that's odd b/c my foot swelled once or twice in the last week but once I lay down it eases back off. Not so much since last night. I'll have to see if I can get a good pic of my ankles so you can see the difference.
So, in the end back home again - still baking babies. I did think having three on the 3rd would be kinda cool, but I'm NOT waiting for Aug. 3rd to come around. :)
Side notes:
- Why do I always feel compelled to go to ob/triage right about the time for a meal? We end up there for hours and miss whatever meal we should have been eating. :(
- Why does baby B respond so crazily to the monitors? It is the only time he kicks me instead of his sisters.
- Why do the monitors make baby A have the hiccups?
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