Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It's been way too long!! As we quickly approach spring (66 degrees tomorrow!) I've been bolstering the kids summer clothes supply.

Auntie Kim started us off by sending some super cute Naartjie clothes. Then she clued me in on a sale, so I bought some more. Kim, buys size 3. I, buy size 2. When her clothes got here I had Addie try them on.

Honest, she was saying "cheese".

Size 3 on peanut a little big, but good. Now of course I question my size 2 purchases. When those come in I have Katie try them on.
Get it? Smallest girl tries the big clothes, bigger girl tries the smaller clothes? I can still be clever!

Katie's version of "cheese".

They make her look like a ballerina!

The universal 'ballerina' pose.

Addie pulls out a tutu to get in on the ballet action.

So Katie does as well.

Which leads to everyone getting in on the fun.

Katie doesn't quite believe in simply trying on clothes. She wore them the rest of the afternoon. By pure chance we went to meet John at Panera for dinner. I could only convince her to change back to more weather appropriate clothes by allowing her to wear her ballerina shirt over her long sleeve pink shirt. Hence, turning her into a princess. Sorry no photographic evidence.

My shameless plug for Naartjie...
they have the nicest packaging! The clothes come all nicely bundled in tissue paper. Personally packaged, not just grabbed off a shelf and thrown in a box. I used to by Ann Taylor (well, ok, Loft) and Banana Republic online. No tissue paper there!


PS..they had a good sale on clearance too, so they also have some size 4 coming as well. 😊

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