Saturday, June 1, 2013


I get a C. 77%. 😢
I only blogged 24/31 days.

I blame illness, forgetfulness, exhaustion, and being the mom of triplets.

But we have come a long way. John traveled. I traveled (best weekend EVER!). The kids got sick, got well, and got sick again.

And in bigger news, you all know that we're moving. If the calendar stays as planned it will look like this:
Current weekend, John had Friday off
Upcoming weekend, Helayne and Mady visit
Following weekend, John has Friday off
Following weekend, Kim visits
Following weekend WE MOVE.

That's how quick this could come about. If course, it could change. It is the govt we are working with and they can't decide if we are allowed to move straight to New York or not. It's all in the technicalities of the job(s).

I hope that this experience has helped me grow. I know I want to keep blogging about our daily activities as well as bigger, broader topics. Of course, my next blog must be Elmo. The greatest of all time. At least according to three very special people I know. :). Until then, I leave you with a teaser.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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