A non-kid post tonight. In case you missed it, I did post last night but the iPad app doesn't automatically link me to fb like my phone app does. Sorry.
Disclaimer: I have not actually made any of these yet. If you do and they aren't right, well, you must have not understood me correctly. ;)Food and drink. It was awesome in Scottsdale. Pomegranate lemonade, huckleberry lemon drop, blackberry mojito, and a cucumber refresher I'll be making. We need to go back next year since I never did order the frozen mango margarita with a chambord float. But, back to the cucumber. Kim and I were talking about how to make it. We decided on soda water with muddled cucumber and mint (lite on the mint. I couldn't taste it which was just fine).
Then Kim says, "but there's one more thing". "
Lime", I remind her.
"Oh yeah!" She says..as I point to the lime on the side of the glass. Haha!
So, cucumber refresher:
Muddle mint and cucumber
Add soda water and lime juice.
Pray it's as good as ours were.

blackberry mojito bliss.
The best appetizer I may have ever had is at the R Bar. Their version of shrimp cocktail. Luckily for us the waitress said, "oh, I'll tell you how to make that!" (Thinking mgmt doesn't know she offers the recipes). It is in no way the shrimp cocktail you are used to. It's liquidy, yummy, and you eat it with tortilla chips. In fact, you may just drink it. Trust me, I was tempted!
Shrimp cocktail:
Marinade shrimp in lemon/lime juice (like ceviche) for 24 hours.
Chop shrimp,
mix a can of clamato juice, diced red onion, cilantro, and she said celery...but I never saw or tasted it. Add shrimp. Eat with chips. OMG!! Seriously. Ask Kim.
The restaurant also had a great smokey salsa they served with their steak tacos. And a yummy chopped salad. And good hummus. And great eats at the spa pool. I'm ready to go back just for more great food!
The famous omelet that sparked the fb debate last night? Ham, Swiss, spinach, and sautéed white onion at El Churro. They are supposed to be famous for their sticky buns. We now know why. Thankful they just give you a basket almost upon placing butt in chair.
What's that? It's green chili mac n cheese you're after? The Roaring Fork has you covered. If you get the carnitas and have leftovers, take them. It makes great snacking the next evening while getting ready to go shopping. Kim had seared tuna tacos. Kim. Who hates fish tacos. And again, we need to go back to try the kettle of green chili pork appetizer.

Chunka hunka carnitas and green chili mac.
Pretty much, I'm the girl who went on a spa vacation and gained weight. The food all weekend was great. Wait. Scratch that. The cupcakes from Caketini, not so great. Discovered we are not fans of cake pops. Mushy cake? Hermann girls? No, thank you! And the salted caramel cupcake topped with 3 feet of cool whip frosting. Yuck. Neither Kim nor I finished those treats. That's saying something.
Ok, my last recommendation to y'all with smartphones,
ya know, those things Newt Gingrinch made a video asking the public to name because he just couldn't figure it out (sorry, tangent)...
Ok. Smartphones. Get the foodgawker app. It's like Pinterest, but only for food. And better. It's photos only. Click on the photo you like to go to a short caption. Click again to go to the post with the recipe. Warning, not all recipes are in English. It's where I found the donut muffins that really are yummy. No matter what my trio thought this am.
And that folks is my "you're making me hungry" post for the night. You're welcome.
Side note. As good as the carnitas was, I like John's better. His has more little crispy ends. Theirs was just one huge piece of good tasting pork.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone