Friday, January 11, 2013

Oh my, WORDS!

Oh my, I think we are trying to talk!  Peanut is the one trying the hardest it seems.  Now, you may think I'm pushing it, but I count mama, dada, hat, book, and thank you as her true-hearted attempts.  What?  Is that a word?  Well, it is for her.  It means she is really trying, just doesn't have all the consonant sounds yet.  It's mostly a vowel sound for now, but she's trying. 

How many of you are thoroughly confused?  Didn't I post a pic on FB and say that was going to be my blog post?  Yes, yes I did.  This pic in fact.

Why is this baby doll the bane of my existence?  Cute huh?  Yep, I thought so too.  Especially for $2.99.  But, see that damn cute hat?  I put that hat on the babies head 50,000,000 times a day!  The kids laugh and laugh as they pull the hat off and hand me to doll.  Lucky me, they have even learned the sign for hat, so when they hand me to doll sometimes they even sign what they want, HAT! 

Along with that baby doll, the trio also received soft, fake food from Ikea.  There was a veggie basket, fruit basket, and breakfast on a cutting board (complete with mini knife!).  Are you confused again?  Wasn't I talking about words, then dolls, now food?  Trust me, it is all tied together.  How?  Let me show you.

Fruit basket: yes, this does make a basket.  The "handle" velcros to the other side.

The veggie basket:

Veggie basket, take 2:

What the what?  Yep.  Late Christmas afternoon I believe is when we first found Zach wearing his new "hat".  It is so cute.  The kids don't use them as baskets unless I'm playing with them and encouraging them to select foods to put inside.  If it is up to them, baskets = hats. 

And speaking of hats...and speaking...did I tell you I think Addie is trying to talk?  Here is her rendition. Forgive the less than professional videos.  Parents of triplets here people!

Here is take 2: (peanut can be a little cra-zy sometimes, haha)

And here is Zach:

Note, the sign for hat is patting your head.  My kids already patted their head when I would say "head" when doing body parts, so it was easy for them. When I use signs, I say the word with it.  I think this is why Addie is starting to do the same.  She says "da" when she does the thank you sign, so I'm trying to teach her "Danka".  :)

So that is my crazy, seemingly fractured but really pulled together blog post.  Dolls, words, videos, hats...what?  Doesn't it make sense to you?  What?  Still it doesn't??  Ah well, it does to me!  :)


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