born 7-9-11 @ 7:59pm ~ 4lb 2oz
one year checkup ~ 16lb 10oz
Addie is everyone's favorite peanut. My dad was captivated by her when he saw pictures of them the morning after they were born. I think it is her dark hair and blue eyes. That dark hair, pixie face, tiny smile, and shining eyes will captivate anyone. Although I had one person say she is the spitting image of her daddy, I'm claiming Addie as mine. She is a little me. And boy is she little! Personally, I think she puts all her energy into growing teeth and forgets to grow the rest of her. That's ok though, trust me, small is just as good as anything else.
What makes Addie, Addie:
~ her contentment, beginning even in the NICU
~ her stubbornness, if she didn't want to eat she WAS NOT going to eat
~ her dark, dark hair
~ her impish smile
~ her TEETH
~ her ability to teethe w/o fuss
~ her tininess
~ her independence
~ her smile
~ her fight, just ask her siblings, she's a tough cookie!
~ her desire to do things at her own pace
~ her laugh
~ her love of life
~ her ability to observe
~ her gorgeous blue eyes
~ her heart breaking cry, followed by crocodile tears
~ her sheer determination
~ girl can shake her boo-tay like NO other!
~ her recent love of wagging her tongue
~ her love of avocado as a skin moisturizer at any meal involving avocado
~ her ability to get food on her forehead
~ her reluctance of water
~ her love of legs in the air
~ her good morning run away, bite the teddy bear, smile
~ her tiger roars
~ her need to snuggle, from the day she was born she'd rather be with somebody
~ her desire to be helpful (she gets to boppies out when she sees bottles being made)
~ socks, who needs them? They last all of .5 seconds on her feet
~ can anyone say E.T.? She has got that gentle finger down pat.
So many of these things are new, like her getting the pillows for bottles, her good morning routine, her zipping through the house with a push walker and a crazy open mouth smile hoping someone will chase her. Addie is our little peanut, but girl is not letting size get her down at all. She is by far tougher than the other two. If she falls, she is more likely to get up than cry. But she is also just so stinking sweet and gentle. Like with the E.T. finger, she will slowly, gently, move toward what she's interested in barely touching it before exploding into her toothy grin.
I think it amazes us each day how different our children our. Here is our little peanut girl, Addie.
This is my beautiful Addie girl.
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What do I love about Addie? I love that she is super shy but adores her Auntie Kim!! Mom forgot to mention her Spidey hands, baby girl would not let Katie steal her toys! Girlfriends got a grip! Love you Addie!!
Addie is aware of everything going on around her - she is so observant and studies so well that she mimics down to the tee. She loves making noises and faces - she makes one smile with her fish face and tiger roars. Just like her mom she is little miss independent! love our peanut!
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