Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zach man

Zachary Michael
born 7-9-11 @ 7:58pm ~ 4lb 5oz
one year checkup ~ 19lb 11oz (29 7/8")

Zach's name was chosen years ago.  I remember the conversation.  We were eating at Boston Pizza in Fairbanks.  Not the greatest service, so we had lots of time to talk.  Not sure why we were discussing baby names, but we decided that night to name our child Zachary.  Much like Katie's name, we like names that can be formal or informal.  And yes, we considered what his name would sound like as we yell it at an athletic event.  I have known for even longer that my son's middle name would be Michael, after my dad and my dad's dad.  Luckily for us we both really liked the name Zachary Michael.  Unluckily for me, the name had extra special meaning when he received it as my dad was in the hospital not doing so great.  I'm glad my dad knew Zach's name before passing away. 

What makes Zach, Zach:
~ he's our boy - 'nuff said
~ he LOVES music
~ he was the only one to need some extra loving, in the form of caffeine, in the NICU
~ he was SUCH a stinker about eating while in the NICU
~ was the first to joke around with daddy while in the NICU
~ was the first baby to receive kangaroo care from mommy
~ sported the best gangsta look in his too big hats while in the NICU
 ~ took the longest to master breastfeeding
~ was the only one to go through a MAJOR fussy stage
~ suffered from some reflux 
~ he LOVES to dance
~ has the BEST smile
~ first to roll onto his belly
~ first to stand on his own
~ first to take a few independent steps
~ has the BEST laugh
~ is such a sweetheart and sympathetic to his sisters
~ taught his sisters to pound on their crib rail when they wake up
~ loves showing he knows where his belly and nose are
~ tends to put his finger *in* his nose when showing you
~ knew his version of the sign for "more" the very first time he saw it on Baby Signing Times
~ his version is fist in palm, more like a "put it here NOW" sign
~ boy loves his dance moves
~ often needed a good 5 minute snuggle before going to bed
~ had lungs on him like no other if he didn't want to go to bed
~ has the best pondering looks
~ has/had some texture issues
~ didn't feed himself with his hands until I tried to show our Infant Learning rep that he wouldn't feed himself with his hands (stinker!)
~ he is very determined
~ he is the only one we still have to strap in the high chair otherwise he will literally crawl out
~ mastered crawling when he saw something he wanted
~ the first speed crawler
~ he plays "chase me" very well and with a great smile on his face and glint in his eyes
~ he can dance and loves music like no other and has from a very very early age

Both Katie and Zach are working on walking.  Katie will only walk for a purpose, like to get from the couch to daddy and back.  Zach is trying to walk anywhere.  Had a stranger been watching in my window today they would have sworn I plied my son with alcohol!  He wobbles a few steps, falls sideways, looks through his legs, spreads them super wide to stand back up, falls backward, laughs, rolls onto his belly, stands with arms spread wide for balance, takes three or four steps and starts the process all over again.  All on his own.  Headed nowhere in particular.  Just learning how to walk.  A wondrous thing about Zach is that you can see the gears turning is his head as he learns.  He is very determined and will keep working at it.  The best part about when he walks to you?  He falls into your arms at then end, looks up at you, and his whole face lights up in a smile.  I love him.

My sweet boy


Lynda said...

Dare I say it? He is my favorite Grandson.chuckle chuckle..not JUST because he is my only grandson.

Zach is a very happy boy, especially when he is listening (or dancing) to music. I have wondered from the time he first came home - what is that boy thinking? Some day he will tell me. Until then, I will just make stuff all Grandmas do.

Kimberly said...

We all love the Zach man!!!! His dancing is infectious any his laugh so sweet!!

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