Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Library Laptime

We went!! So exciting for me! I know many people understand we live in a small town, but maybe not just how small. There is very little to do here aside from taking them to the park. Which, with Mother Nature's anger at me these past few weeks that hasn't happened for a while. (as I type the wind is howling, yet again. Still. Always.) but back to it - there are no malls to walk, no gyms with daycare, no Y. Aside for going to laptime, I could go to MoPs, but as that is from 10-12 I don't know how much that will happen this winter. 10 is usually when we are just finishing up our morning routine of diapers, bottles, breakfast, diapers. Although I think tomorrow I'm going to try sippys of milk w/breakfast, but again I digress...

I left the house a tad late, had about 10+ minutes to get there. Great except my lucky butt got stuck behind the two trucks going 45 miles down the highway. Seriously!?! And our highway is not very passing friendly. It seems right when the chance arises either a car or a bend arises as well. So we were moseying. I felt like I was going to be late for a first date! Not a good first impression, especially since I wasn't sneaking in with my one child. Lucky for me, our friend Kristin and her daughter Ember, who came to our bday bbq, arrived at the same time. She offered to carry someone, so Katie was handed off. Yep, she cried until we were inside, but it worked. In we trod, two adults, four children. It was JUST getting started so I didn't feel too bad. We sat around the carpet and I introduced my littles. Mrs. Angie knew about the triplets (just not that we were coming today), so that helped.

Laptime starts with songs. She asked where the body parts were, then sang, head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Tidbit: John thought I made that song up myself the first time he heard me sing it. Little did he know I tortured my middle school students with it if there were too inactive! :). Then star wands were passed around and we sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and another star song I don't remember. Then the elevator song. Standing you ride the elevator up ( toes, knees, hips, shoulders, sky). I know Addie is our shy girl, so let her just watch. Katie wasn't comfortable standing yet, she was still just observing, but I helped Zach do it. Proud Mama.

Book time! Mrs. Angie had her stuffed frog to pass around for all to give hugs to. Zach hugged, Katie tried to eat the eyeball, and Addie copied her and smiled because she knew they thought Katie was funny. Then Mrs. Angie read the kids this book:

about a frog who is too big for the book. Her friends help her by making a bigger book. notice how the back cover is bigger, clever story. We then moved to the tables to make our felt frog faces. Yep, due to us showing up she was two short for the activity. Sigh. Kristen, from above, helped quickly cut more pieces. Here are our frogs from today:

My kids FIRST EVER refrigerator art!!!

After craft time it was play time. My kids were drawn to the balls, big soft ones *note to self, gotta find some of these*, and these cool round Lego type toys. They are Lego type in that they can attach, but they are round with four legs. It's at the legs that they attach. I'll have to find out what they are as all the kids liked them. Zach was also interested in the floor puzzle being put together because he liked watching the older boys. He was cute in trying to see what they were doing. One of their mothers offered to help me get everyone to the car, so we put our coats on and Katie once again went into a strangers arms. All in all a GREAT morning.

Can't wait for next week.

Funny out takes:
~ I was offered a big beanbag type pillow for the kids. Hello, thanks but no. They wouldn't all fit and I can see frustration written all over that thing!
~ class is cancelled....at...wait for it......30 degrees BELOW zero. LOL
~ ssshhhh, mommy created the refrig art. ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lynda said...

so proud of you daughter. cannot wait until my next visit - will help out. Good getting the kiddos out amoung others their size (maybe a bit bigger) and good for you to just GET OUT! Strange that the school has a 50 below rule and the library a 30 below rule..guess it is the age level.

mrspos said...

You are a superstar! Keep up the great work!

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