Sunday, February 5, 2012


Oh my gosh, we've started the food craziness. For a while now I've been thinking Zach isn't full enough. He's aways been a bigger eater, hence his hefty appearance. So, even though we had an appointment coming up, I called the dr. and asked about starting food for him. She gave the green light for all three! So, on a Friday night John brought home "supported-sitters" level oatmeal and rice cereal. We started with the rice. will call me out if I don't tell the whole truth about this night. John arrives home with food and we get to our normal me taking a few minutes to myself on the couch while he plays with the kiddos. Next thing you know it's 6:30 (time to feed) and we haven't thought out this food stuff really well. My butt should have been getting bowls and spoons, which the trio received in their stockings. Hmm, where did I put those again? In a box I remember..but which box? Where?? Oh boy. After searching literally high (nursery) and low (basement) I figure I'll just use my own bowl. So I read 1 Tbsp of rice to 4-5 Tbsp of formula. I then think, crap, the formula pitcher is dirty...what can I make 15 oz of formula in (notice the mistake yet?!), so I grab a juice pitcher and get to mixing. As I'm pouring the formula into the rice it really doesn't look right...wait...CRAP! Down the drain my way over-formula-ed cereal goes. As I'm saying a few choice words to myself I'm also yelling to John..."the box Jane sent us! All food stuff was together!!" so off to find that box we go. Good thing I remembered as I had just started thinking wait...we can't use a regular spoon! I remake three bowls of 1 Tbsp of rice to 4 TBSP (not ounces) of formula, we are set. Mind you it's much closer to 6:45-7 now, so the trio are getting a little upset at the slow service in our joint. It all worked out in the end, as it always does. But the chaos was certainly invigorating for a tired mommy and daddy.

In our first attempts it was food then bottle (we've since changed - but I'll talk schedule later). They were a bit skeptical at first, but grew to love it pretty quickly. My silly, mom-brained self probably mixed the rice and oatmeal together too quickly..but luckily no reactions to either. For those not in-the-know you are to wait 4 or so days between starting a new food to make sure there are no reactions to it. Following this method you will know to which food they are having the reaction. I have followed this method once I started introducing more than cereals.

I do have pics of the first night food all-overness, but they are on John's camera which I cannot hook up to the ipad. Tech stuff. I need to email them to myself...will do and post hopefully tomorrow. :)

The following weekend we entered the I-am-supermom-and-must-make-own-food mentality. Luckily over Christmas my friend Gina and Kim set me up! Gina sent me a baby bullet for pureeing food and Kim gave me two baby food cookbooks. Of course, these two items presented conflicting information right off the bat so I was instantly questioning my ability. Kim's cookbook says carrots are a great first puree, the baby bullet cookbook says its a second level food. Ugh! We went with it figuring we can't hurt them too much. We've since learned if you ask 10 people how to start babies on food you will get 10 different answers (trust me on this...we've asked more than 10!) =). I'm glad we went with our gut feeling. Our kiddos LOVE carrots. We have since added avocado. John feels for sure his mom never gave him avocado as a baby and that we are uber chic. I feel special being uber chic! I don't look it, so I can surely feel it right? Actually, avocado is a great baby puree because you just mash it and add some formula. It's also really healthy with good fats and such.

How much do our kids love starting foods? Tonight they ate 3 Tbsp of rice cereal, 1/2 an avocado
with an ounce of formula, and one container of Gerber carrots (i forgot to thaw some of mine) between them! Go littles!! It was a little funny tonight as the bowls are emptying and I'm thinking umm...they are still Yes, we did pick up two variety packs of Gerber baby food at Sam's club. I know we will have days where I just need to peel open a container (like tonight!), but I also know I'd like to make as much of their food as possible.

So our venture into food has begun. We will be adding sweet potato in a few days and see how they like those. As for schedule...well... I'll post about that tomorrow. And I'll actually do it tomorrow! Until then...
loves from the littles!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Kimberly said...

It was so fun seeing them eat yesterday!! Love you guys! Will have to visit soon!

Lynda said...

Never thought that avocado's would be a second food introduction beyond cereal - those kids will like mexican food if it kills you huh? Don't think you guys had avocados until you were teens. But then we didn't have many mexican food restaurants when you were young - just pizza and the high class joints. What you failed to tell was that in your excitement to feed your children, you have forgotten about yourself and your hubby - those midnight dinners aren't so healthy. Will be fun to see all five of you at the table at once - kiddo's are beautiful as ever - love you all

Lynda said...

When do you introduce mushrooms?

Stephanie said...

Lol. If up to John...never! They will like Mexican just because they'll eat it once a week. Like pizza. :). And I'll never forget LaCasita Dos!

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