Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The playmat reinvented

Yep, it was time to do something new with the playmat. Really, they need more tummy time too...so this is what I came up with.

They seemed to enjoy it...


I hung the toys up higher, had them on their tummies. All was going great. For about five minutes, and ya know I'm probably exaggerating, it was probably closer to two minutes before this happened...

Addie flipped over, Zach pushed himself over the boppy... and you cant tell, but katie actually did a full 360 complaining the whole way.



Well, it was a good try. We've since worked on tummy time a lot. The boppy helped Zach quite a bit, he needed the extra support to help build his strength more than the girls did. Today he rolled from tummy to back, and later from back to tummy -on his own! John even noticed they are getting frustrated with their chairs more, bouncies, because they all just want to be on the floor. We now have to lock them in when we want them there.

John wants it noted that I'm writing this blog because our night has gone awesome! Therefore giving me the ability to write a new post. All kiddos went to bed fairly effortlessly. Love that!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The times they are a changing

We are 6 months old!! CRA-ZY! With age comes change. Funny for six month olds, but still true. A few of the changes we've seen are the introduction of their high chairs. We are using the space saver chairs that attach to our own (old) dining room chairs. They are fabulous for feeding. We should have made that change a while ago for sure. We also received the other two bebe pod chairs so each has a chair/toy to help practice with sitting while keeping them entertained as well. An added bonus is that the bebe pod chairs fit under the dining chairs, so a great storage solution for our small space. I say this as John looks around to tonight and mentions that he'd love a room for all the play stuff we are acquiring.
More changes are that each kiddo is desperately trying to roll onto their belly, even Zach. Maybe contrary to the pics we post. Addie is pretty proficient at rolling belly to back, Katie can but can also just get frustrated. Zach still needs some help with that one. Katie and Zach LOVE sleeping on their sides, Katie almost on her belly. Kinda scary for me, but they are past the age of SIDS...not that I'm going to stop worrying and checking of course.
I don't have any six month stats until their dr appt at the end of the month. I'm hopeful we will be able to start solids at that time. They will be almost five months adjusted (had they been born 8-20) at that time, so close to the recommended six month wait. So, without those fun stats I'll keep this one short, especially since I have a fun photo filled post to make tomorrow. I will leave you with this fun photo from yesterday of Zach enjoying one of the girls' high chairs (I know, I know).

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Friday, January 6, 2012

party all the time

Do you remember that song? Party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-i-ime...I don't recall at all what song it was but that was the chorus (heck, that's probably the name of it). Well, my Katie girl somehow discovered that song last night. All littles were in bed by 8:30, a great night for us. A few fusses that took John and I to calm down, but we are calming them in their cribs trying to create good habits as early as possible. Then my little K decided mom was having too much fun catching up on her tv (early to bed means mom get nighttime tv again! woohoo) and wanted to join the fun. She started screaming and would not settle, so I brought her down with me. Soon after Zach followed. Ugh. I was up until after 2am with both, John even joined me for a while about the 2am mark. Zach finally went into the pack-n-play and Katie squirmed in my arms until 3:45. Such a long night! Addie of course, declined the invite and slept all night so she started making noises about 6:30ish. They had a tired cranky momma today. I really tried to still play with them, but the 20-minutes-tops naps were not helping. One of the tough "mom of multiples" days. But, I have more cute pics to share. They are from the other day since pics were out of my energy range today, but this one is too cute...

This one is Zach man. I had piled him with a blankie, his little monkey that you can't even see, and his sock monkey then realized hey, do I have a little boy in there? hehe Addie's been having trouble napping, so she fell asleep on my chest and I laid her on the couch in front of me. Such a sweet girl when she sleeps huh? Yep, WHEN she sleeps, too bad she doesn't sleep much during the day.

and I leave you with the guy who has my heart, aside from John that is...

I love his giggles so much. They brighten my day no matter how tired. Please note, second blog post in two days, so far so good on the resolution. Now I need to start figuring out what to write about to start making this blog interesting. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Time. Everyone complains about not having enough of it, but I think Moms of Multiples experience this to an extreme. On one hand my day resembles Groundhog Day. I do the same things over and over, every three hours in fact. Change, feed, entertain, try to coax into napping, entertain, change, feed, ...well I'm sure you get the picture. On the other hand there are the chores, both personal and household. By personal I mean hygiene. Yep, that is now on the chore list. Something I hope to get to, but honestly don't every day. Heck, in the beginning brushing my teeth was a luxury! Don't worry, that now happens on a daily basis again. Showering, not so much. well, time is also a mystery when I type away and the program suddenly closes on me, losing my work! Ugh! It was good too, it really was! Ok, enough with the exclamation points. I'll try to get back to this post after making formula. Until then, don't my kiddos have such cute little buttbutts? I think so, especially in cute butt pants.

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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers