After the feeding I had one back to sleeper, another about 15 minutes later and z-man is fidgeting around. He'll be to sleep soon (he was sleeping in my arms while burping, but then I put him down).
We are all growing up. Moms big advancement, turning off the light in their room. All of my visitors can attest, the little lamp is left on 24/7. It just gives enough light that I can see them good and I could change in the middle of the night if needed. It's a small lamp set on the floor behind the table. (update, we have three sleepers). Well last weekend while in Anchorage they slept in a dark room and that's when they started sleeping longer, so last night off went the lamp. (yes, I did turn it off while we were gone). Of course, the lamp was off but the bathroom light was on. Haha. The lamp is nice though b/c it's pitch black in that room. So, we'll see how long I keep that up. Oh, I did turn it back on about 5am. :)
Zach's big advancement is jabbering. He is our true ah-goo baby. It's too funny! That is literally what he says. He is also an awesome raspberry blower. Rolling over, not so much. He's a little weighty ya know. The first time I rolled him over he just laid there on his belly with the I-could-go-to-sleep look on his face. His smiles are precious but still reserved for special occasions only.
Addie however, little miss may be the first to roll over. Maybe b/c she's so light, but she just flips right over. Of course, I think she will sleep much better on her tum anyway. I won't, but she will. :) Her favorite game is kick the sock off. She knows when she did and just laughs at you, smiling a sly smile as you put it back on. We've been leaving socks on in their sleep sacks, so that is a big challenge for her.
My Katie bug. I adore her (as well as the others....). She is miss smiley girl. The funniest is when she wants her paci but is smiling too big to keep it in her mouth. She also squeals. Last night Zach was ah-gooing, she's squealing and laughing in delight, and Addie's kicking away trying to get her socks off. So fabulous! She's our best head-holder-upper. You try to burp her and she's just straight backed looking all around. She's good at holding it up while on her belly too, the opposite of z-man. Tummy time on a boppy, watch out! She kicks her legs so much she pushes right over the top. I watched her do it the other day. She's proud of herself, but also frustrated b/c she ends up on her head. lol
So, those are my kiddos. We're all growing up some. Makes me happy and sad. But...they sleep, so I must too.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:my cozy couch
I think Zach is just looking forward to a life of Dad's sausage special spaghetti sauce and is actually saying, "Ra-gooooo!"
Cannot wait to see how they have changed when I visit in December!! Love your posts.
Do you have an outlet for a smaller plug in night light? I can shop for you. ;)
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