This is all a reflection of yesterday's awesomeness. We had our big travel to Fbx day for two dr appts. They did awesome on our long trek(in their car seats, hence the need to stretch/scream it out today). Hip ultrasounds were great. They were requested due to multiples birth and the fact that all were breech. The tech said sometimes the hip muscle isn't strong enough, but not our kiddos.
Our second appt was a blood check up. They are having a dip in their red blood cells so have been on iron supplements. Our pedi said this is common in all kiddos at about two months, but is again a bit worse with multiples. I'm not even going to get into worst case scenario here because I just know we won't get there. If I'm wrong then denial for now is ok too. Don't worry it's not horrible, just not great.
Our little piggies are gaining weight just fine. Addie is almost 8 lbs, Zach is just over and Kate is about 8 and a half. Our little chunk a chunk is too adorable though. Have to rat out auntie Kim though. After seeing her weight and referring to it in a not so nice way Kate frowned her whole face up and burst into tears. She did the same again when retelling the story to dad last night. So, she may be on the "softer" side but beware she's also sensitive. Our little princess she is and I love her all the more for it.
Ah! Finally! Three sleeping kiddos. Two sleeping dogs. And us. :)
Sophers is sleeping in her crate, so no pic of her.
Next blog post: the miracle of the recline-a-bed!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Good news all around. Who would have guessed that Kate was the current chunk? Love pics of the babes sleeping. Are they using their cribs yet? Let them know that I miss them terribly.
First let me say "beefcake" is the not so nice adjective Katie is not fond of, so please do not use that word in reference to our cutie pie. If you do, no telling the frowny face you will encounter.
We are using two of the cribs and still keeping one child in the pnp in our room. So, all sleeping separate, now need to work on them getting themselves to sleep. Await the next post re: crib usage.
I'm glad the appointments were good and the Littles traveled well.
Poor little Katie,so sensitive.
I wanted to laugh - I hardly ever get to use the laptop or iPad to post to my blog, it always seems I have to use my phone. So I understand!
Oh the dogs - gotta love them. It always seems when I am nursing or trying to get Lizzie to sleep is when they want to play, bark or go outside. Got to love it.
okay - for some reason I'm anonymous. Silly app ;)Just Kerri - ps, love all the pictures!
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