While we love the open floor plan of our house, it also allows our kiddos to move their little chairs to various points around the room to reach/see/engage in any and all activities. Permitted or not. 90% of the time this involves helpers watching me make dinner. And wash dishes. And wash hands. Oh the washing of hands.
Katie LOVES washing hands. "Wah han, wah han!" Is a common phrase from her as we turn on the faucet. She starts scooting her chair over so very excited. Only to find out we are washing dishes.
That is what I came downstairs to this morning. Daddy finishing up the washing of dishes. I made muffins yesterday. He hates cleaning muffin tins, so he simply filled them with water and soap for me to tackle later. And Katie watched. And watched. And watched. Even after daddy was done and gone.
I even caught her saying "hi" to the suds.
This afternoon Auntie Katie and Auntie Mary came over again. We played outside in the gorgeous weather and enjoyed lunch. After lunch little Katie hit the jackpot. Big Katie let her help wash dishes.
Our kids are growing up. We now have one that will help us with dishes any time we want. I bet she'll help even when we don't want. Water is just too irresistible!
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