Lowville has a little library called the Lowville Free Library. It's on the street coming from Watertown, so I see/saw it often. I liked the FB page so I would get updates. This past Fri or such I saw that they had a childrens story hour Tues at 10:30 "open to all ages". The last part scared me. All ages? School still not in session?? 10:30am??? Oy!
Yesterday I wasn't very hopeful and had my excuse ready: "with school still not in session it is sure to be packed so we'll wait."
Today I figured I better shower just in case. I was showered, dressed, hair 1/2 dry and pulled back, kids up, breakfast going, clothes selected...by 9am.
After breakfast I spied Zach in the living room, great - can get him dressed. I spied Addie in the kitchen - great, can get her too. Ok, now where's Katie?
Where's Katie??

Heart skipping a few beats. Found her! (bet you can tell we have tv back and she was ready to laze for the day).
We actually arrived early enough that the slow walking didn't bother me. I had time to get a library card and check out the kids area. Note: everyone at the library can tell you where the Elmo pictures, stuffed animals, and such are. My kids announced it over and over.
PBS poster? ELMO!!
Stuffed animal dressed as a chicken on the top shelf? ELMO!!
Book spied out of the corner of their eye? DO-DO (toddler speak for cookie monster). We checked the book out of course.
As this was going on a very nice woman introduced herself to me. We talked about the development I live in and how her husband works nearby. We talked about her nephew stationed at Ft Rich. Of course, details like her name and such? Pshaw, who can remember that? She did compliment me for bringing the kids to the library. :)
Now down to library time. Here is where I wax nostalgic. We were amazingly spoiled by Ms. Angie (who Addie thought we were going to see every time I said library this am). This library time starts with play time for about 1/2 an hour. No songs, no naming children...sniff sniff.
During play time the young lady who runs it stopped to ask me "did they all...come...at the same time?" LOL. "Yes". Smile. She then asked how I'm doing. The other moms, well, I'll save that post for tomorrow.
The nice young lady (note again, I have no clue if she told me her name or not) read 'Heads' about the body parts for senses (tongue, ears, eyes, etc). We then made 5 senses bears.

Pop bubble wrap on the ears, a small pom pom nose with a touch of Vanilla on it, eye stickers, a 1/2 stick of gum for the mouth and hands with sand on them (we skipped the hands). Get it? Get it?? You can smell the nose, hear the ears, taste the tongue, feel the hands. So clever!! And she let them pick their own eye stickers.
Uh, can you tell who is the patient one willing to just do as told?
Where is Zach's gum you ask? As she started coming around with gum tape (remember that stuff?) to share, I look down to see mr chomp chomp chomp speedily grab another piece for the mouths, unwrap it, and shove it in his mouth fast as lightening! Of course once I started asking for it you could see him sucking the flavor out and swallowing. Sigh. Luckily I was too speedy for Katie. And luckily the girl asked me if they could have some, I told her no.
I appreciated that the girl whose name I don't know learned their names and said goodbye to them by name as we left. I'll have to get her name next week.
On to celebrate, Dunkin Donuts style. As I'm driving there I'm thinking I may never get them back out of the place if they see all those donuts, so I hit the drive through. Sad to say the one closest to us, their munchkins are just meh. The other two we've been to have way better. But! It is like they knew we needed to celebrate. We had 4 sprinkle covered munchkins!

So that was our library time. The kids did awesome. Since it was a new environment they stuck with me pretty good. All in all an ok experience. We'll go back next week. Maybe I'll remember my phone then too!
PS - who knew DD doesn't have fountain soda? Not me.
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