Yep, that's right. We are 10 months old! Ok, well, WE really aren't. I'm much much older than 10 months, but the trio is 10 months old and surprisingly enough we DID take pictures. They aren't the nice composed pictures of prior months because they are getting too mobile and too restless for that. They are 10 months old ya know, who's got time for pictures when there are boppies to scale and tables to explore!
We started with Zach and Addie. Zach is always Mr. Compliant. You put him in the chair with his arm up, his arm is going to stay up. He is Mr. Sensitive as well. If one of the girls starts to cry about something, Zach's face goes from concerned to upset to maybe going to cry with them. He weighed 18+ pounds at his 9 month checkup, so he is not lacking for cheeks, belly, and thighs to cuddle, tickle, or just plain kiss on. Although he saves his smiles for rare occasions, he has the BEST smile and giggle. He just started crawling while on vacation. His motivation? A bottle. Yep, he woke from an off-schedule nap, saw a sis with a bottle and decided the best way to get it quickly was to crawl to it so off he went. He is very deliberate in his crawling, like you can almost see him thinking "arm, leg, arm, leg." After we got home he started pulling up to his knees and just very recently his feet. Sometimes the feet still confuse him, especially if he gets too close to the couch. John has a great video of him just not understanding why he can't get to standing. Mind you he is literally hugging the couch. Silly boy. He is my cuddler, my snuggler, my boy. Oh, and his theme song? LMFAO's "I'm Sexy and I Know It!"

Oh that Addie girl! Addie has always been a snuggler. As a baby, even when swaddled, she would find a brother or a sister to cozy up to when sleeping. Like so *Katie on left, Addie on the right*:

So, knowing Addie is such a snuggler, she has always complained a bit about being in her crib alone. She'd really rather be with her sister or brother. However, I'm so determined to limit sleep issues with them I wanted them to learn to sleep in their cribs early on. Since vacation they have done AWESOME! We pretty much take them up, snuggle, kiss, cover, and walk out. Umm, well, except for their 9am nap. For that one, well, confession time...I've been letting Addie nap with me. :P She LOVES it. Instead of being upset in her crib for a few minutes she lets a big sigh loose and lays her head down. I can totally see how people get sucked into co-sleeping! Milestone wise, she has three teeth and maybe a fourth starting to think about it. She is the BEST Army crawler around and just recently started pulling up to her knees or toes. Notice I said toes, not feet. When she stands it is toes only baby. She is an awesome eater and has mastered the pinch grasp to put food in her mouth. She has a smile at the ready any time of day. She is a total love. My peanut.

Then there is my Katie girl. Ah, my Katie girl. I'm pretty sure she has no clue she is only 10 months old. She's probably convinced she's two or three YEARS old and we're just holding her back. She has mastered standing and in fact cruises along the couch even. She has taken a few steps with a push toy, but isn't too sure about that yet. She is quite the devious one (see previous post) as she has also mastered climbing almost anything to get to the side table or couch. If electronics are in sight, she is actively trying to get them. Case in point, we had the Infant Learning person here yesterday...Katie....climbing UP Crystal's bag like it was a ladder to get to her paperwork on the couch! Needless to say Crystal confirmed little miss determined will be walking before she is one. She is the one of the trio to investigate and discover the most. At times, this can be crazy making, but it's clearly the engineer side of her shining through so she makes her daddy proud.

These are my littles. We laugh, we love, we giggle, and we capture sweet sweet smiles/giggles from Zach. Happy 10 months my too-fast-growing trio.