Attack of the dino-babies!
Did I mention, these Columbia fleecies are the cutest ever? Just want to make sure we have that covered. In case you aren't sure yet, here's Zach to convince you.
And Katie
And Addie
Unfortunately, we didn't get any pics of them in the strollers, but maybe tomorrow. The walk did teach us many things though. For instance, my babies get their post-dinner-must-nap from their daddy. I'm sure it had something to do with the fresh air, but at some point all babies took a snooze. We also learned that the strollers going up to 50 lbs and our babies not being 20 lbs yet means they swim in the harnesses, must tighten more than we did already. We also learned it is quite the process to load all babies, walk to first destination, unload all babies for approximately 5 minutes, load babies, walk to next destination (45 seconds away?), unload babies for approximately 5 minutes, load babies, walk to final destination - wait, I mean third destination (did anyone else think of Final Destination, the movie, which freaks me out?), unload babies for approximately 15 minutes, load babies and walk home. Whew. Somehow all of this took us 1.5 hours, past their final feeding time by about 15 minutes. That was all fine and dandy on the walk, but not quite so once we got home. Maybe also because mom wanted more pictures...
To leave you with a cute cute image. John and I, holding Zach and Addie,
roamed an apartment looking at the layout...come back to find a hot pink hiney in the air, dino head on the floor. Katie, eyes closed, snoozing away. LOL Again, wish we had taken the camera with us.
Loves to all!!
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