Seeing as how Christmas was yesterday, this whole holiday season seems off to me. And it seems truly crazy to stay up until midnight when I'll have to get up with the kids in the am. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet. No resolutions, just short term goals for now.
Goal 1: diet and weight
I just created a my fitness pal account. I'm not concerned with losing weight right now, or rather with that being my goal. My goal is to honestly track my eating and strive for the 3/week workouts I put in my profile. I hope to be fully on board with both of those by the end of January so I can then create a small weight loss goal.
Goal 2: keep up with blogging
I try. I honestly try. I need to get my energy back so I'm not completely drained at the end of the night. Then just DO it. Hopefully Mom and Kim can attest (after their recent visits) that it is not as easy as it sounds.
Goal 3: use technology more meaningfully
My kids are becoming more and more aware. I want to use technology for more than Facebook, although that is a valid social outlet for me. To aide this goal I joined a fb book club. I've even participated in last months, and this months readings/discussions. For those wondering how this helps me do more than fb, I'm using my technology for reading rather than mindless games and such. :) I also hope to possibly join the local book club. We'll see.
Goal 4: get my kids a'talkin!
Remember, these are short term goals. My kids do not talk at all yet. AT. ALL. If really really pushed they will say mama or dada and Zach can toss out the 'boo' for book (pronounced w/o the k), but that is literally all. I know they can hear, they will follow directions like no other. Now just SPEAK!
So those are my four short goals. I hope to get our kids outside in real snow for the first time tomorrow. Cross your fingers the weather is in our favor. Here's hoping your 2013 is off to a good start. Any new goals?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Morning Routine
Hi everyone,
Welcome to my first post as a guest blogger! Steph has had her hands full with the trio, the holidays, and a nasty round of the stomach flu (ick)! I thought I would help her out with a blog post.
I recently spent a week up in AK and boy have things changed. No more boppies, no more bottles, no more leaving the room thinking the kiddos will be in the same place you left them when you come back! Steph will say, what....that was ages ago, but it feels like just last time I was up there.
So, back to the theme of my post. Morning routine. I'm sure when Auntie Kim is there it's a bit different but it goes something like this: Zach talking to himself in his crib, Auntie Kim peeking in, big smiles all the way around once Addie and Katie realize there is an adult in the room, Zach making dance moves in the crib ready for his am dance party, everyone with arms in the air wanting to get up. Grab Zach in one arm Addie in the other and head downstairs. Katie has her paci so she's happy being round two in the transport system.
We've all moved downstairs. After a few minutes on the couch the activity begins. New butts all the way around, toys pulled out, books off shelves. The day has begun. Within 30 minutes or so it's time to do breakfast. On this particular day we started with sippies of milk and Cheerios. It looks something like this.
Addie's morning hair:
Welcome to my first post as a guest blogger! Steph has had her hands full with the trio, the holidays, and a nasty round of the stomach flu (ick)! I thought I would help her out with a blog post.
I recently spent a week up in AK and boy have things changed. No more boppies, no more bottles, no more leaving the room thinking the kiddos will be in the same place you left them when you come back! Steph will say, what....that was ages ago, but it feels like just last time I was up there.
So, back to the theme of my post. Morning routine. I'm sure when Auntie Kim is there it's a bit different but it goes something like this: Zach talking to himself in his crib, Auntie Kim peeking in, big smiles all the way around once Addie and Katie realize there is an adult in the room, Zach making dance moves in the crib ready for his am dance party, everyone with arms in the air wanting to get up. Grab Zach in one arm Addie in the other and head downstairs. Katie has her paci so she's happy being round two in the transport system.
We've all moved downstairs. After a few minutes on the couch the activity begins. New butts all the way around, toys pulled out, books off shelves. The day has begun. Within 30 minutes or so it's time to do breakfast. On this particular day we started with sippies of milk and Cheerios. It looks something like this.
Addie's morning hair:
Katie brushing off the paparazzi:
Zach, the sweetest boy around:
Katie saying 'really Auntie Kim, really?!'
Finally, Addie just being cute:
This is just a small slice of life from the Slette home. I love visiting and cannot wait to go back!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Library Turkey Time
Laptime this week turned into turkey time. A fitting theme for the week for sure. Unfortunately, no cameras were to be had at this event, so you will have to settle for some mental pics. No, not even phone cameras. Yes, there was a lot of talk of cameras. Then the chaos of a library laptime morning was upon us, so I repeat, no cameras were to be had at this event.
Our littles did awesome getting ready and such. In fact, they were so excited to go there were many tears about who was going to be put in the car first. Of course, one could construe that to be tears of "but I wanted to go" or "Momma, where are you going without me?" or "Momma, why are you on the other side of the gate and I'm not??"...but I like to think of them as tears of supreme excitement. It was very nice having an extra set of hands helping me get kiddos to the car, and from the car to the library.
As I've said before, even though pillows are offered, I choose to not use them. The large pillows aren't large enough for three. I don't want to deal with kids on different pillows and such, so my trio simply go without. Since we were able to arrive a smidge early this week we were sitting on the floor ready to go in plenty of time. That is when I looked over and noticed Addie. She was sitting next to a big pillow, with her elbow resting on the pillow, drumming her little fingers on it. You're expecting a nice smile or something to go with such a sweet picture, right? Wrong. Girl was as straight faced as could be. It was such a mix of sweet and funny I actually wished we had remembered a camera (coming from the girl who was against the whole camera thing). Katie chose to stand between Grammy's legs for most of the song and story. It worked because then Grammy was able to help her with her songs. Again, as I've said before, no matter how much head, knees, and toes we do at home come library time my little are still as can be. (no, we don't know shoulders yet...we're 16 mos, we've got some time still). I was proud that everyone stood for the elevator song - another one we've been working on at home. Zach and Addie even got the giggles going back dooowwwwnnnn the elevator. I love that my kiddos smile some now. They are actually warming up.
Story this week as about the turkey trying to hide as every other animal on the farm. Eventually poor turkey had to hide as a tree, but it worked! Farmer and family were stuck eating pb & j for T-Day. That is, it worked...until....they went looking for a Christmas tree! Uh-Oh Mr. Turkey!! A fun story. And even better, the craft that goes with it. Fruitloop Turkeys!
Yep! Fruitloops. I had actually seen something about fruitloop crafts on Facebook, but didn't think my kiddos were old enough for color sorting, counting, and the such. Leave it to Ms. Angie to come up with a toddler friendly fruitloop craft. The littles sat so nice at the table. Addie was doling her loops out one to the craft, three or four to her mouth, one to the craft, etc. Zach was awesome, doling out his to the craft not realizing he could be eating them until he was done. Katie realized right away she could eat them (is anyone really surprised?) so Mom had to steal them anddo the craft help her do her craft. The only tough time came when Addie accidentally knocked her little cup of loops to the ground. The tears started flowing. If anyone has seen Addie cry, you know it is about the saddest thing ever watching those alligator tears stream down. Ms. Angie quickly came to the rescue with more fruitloops for our peanut and she got back to eating crafting. We ended library time with a little bit of play. All in all a good day. Almost no tears again this week. And really, who can blame a peanut for crying about her dropped snack? I'd cry too!
Once home we promptly attempted to take pics of our turkey day crafts.
Zach with his fruitloop turkey. I think it was a thin layer of royal icing holding the loops on since it would harden to keep them on.
Keep them on.....until little man realizes he can pull them off to eat again.
Katie not wanting to hold her turkey for the camera.
Addie take 1
And Addie's silly smile with her silly turkey (notice the little Katie hand sneaking the turkey treats?)
Hope your Turkey day is filled with as many giggles and as much love as ours will be.
Our littles did awesome getting ready and such. In fact, they were so excited to go there were many tears about who was going to be put in the car first. Of course, one could construe that to be tears of "but I wanted to go" or "Momma, where are you going without me?" or "Momma, why are you on the other side of the gate and I'm not??"...but I like to think of them as tears of supreme excitement. It was very nice having an extra set of hands helping me get kiddos to the car, and from the car to the library.
As I've said before, even though pillows are offered, I choose to not use them. The large pillows aren't large enough for three. I don't want to deal with kids on different pillows and such, so my trio simply go without. Since we were able to arrive a smidge early this week we were sitting on the floor ready to go in plenty of time. That is when I looked over and noticed Addie. She was sitting next to a big pillow, with her elbow resting on the pillow, drumming her little fingers on it. You're expecting a nice smile or something to go with such a sweet picture, right? Wrong. Girl was as straight faced as could be. It was such a mix of sweet and funny I actually wished we had remembered a camera (coming from the girl who was against the whole camera thing). Katie chose to stand between Grammy's legs for most of the song and story. It worked because then Grammy was able to help her with her songs. Again, as I've said before, no matter how much head, knees, and toes we do at home come library time my little are still as can be. (no, we don't know shoulders yet...we're 16 mos, we've got some time still). I was proud that everyone stood for the elevator song - another one we've been working on at home. Zach and Addie even got the giggles going back dooowwwwnnnn the elevator. I love that my kiddos smile some now. They are actually warming up.
Story this week as about the turkey trying to hide as every other animal on the farm. Eventually poor turkey had to hide as a tree, but it worked! Farmer and family were stuck eating pb & j for T-Day. That is, it worked...until....they went looking for a Christmas tree! Uh-Oh Mr. Turkey!! A fun story. And even better, the craft that goes with it. Fruitloop Turkeys!
Yep! Fruitloops. I had actually seen something about fruitloop crafts on Facebook, but didn't think my kiddos were old enough for color sorting, counting, and the such. Leave it to Ms. Angie to come up with a toddler friendly fruitloop craft. The littles sat so nice at the table. Addie was doling her loops out one to the craft, three or four to her mouth, one to the craft, etc. Zach was awesome, doling out his to the craft not realizing he could be eating them until he was done. Katie realized right away she could eat them (is anyone really surprised?) so Mom had to steal them and
Once home we promptly attempted to take pics of our turkey day crafts.
Zach with his fruitloop turkey. I think it was a thin layer of royal icing holding the loops on since it would harden to keep them on.
Keep them on.....until little man realizes he can pull them off to eat again.
Katie not wanting to hold her turkey for the camera.
Addie take 1
And Addie's silly smile with her silly turkey (notice the little Katie hand sneaking the turkey treats?)
Hope your Turkey day is filled with as many giggles and as much love as ours will be.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thanksgiving Must Make Recipes
One of the blogs and FB pages I follow (Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom) is having a recipe sharing party. After I typed my dessert recipe up in a google doc, I decided why not have a non-kid related post? So, I'm going to share my recipes this way. Maybe you'll find something new to try this year. Hope you enjoy!
My first two items will be side dishes:
Martha's Cranberry Sauce
In a medium saucepan combine 1 bag of cranberries and 1 jar of red currant jelly. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until cranberries have burst and liquid has reduced to a syrup. About 20-30 minutes. Transfer to a serving dish to cool. Refrigerate, covered, until ready to serve. Can be made up to 3 days ahead of time.
Now, most of you are well aware that Martha is not invited into my home very often. It is so not Martha worthy! However, ever since finding this recipe in the Nov. 2003 Everyday Food magazine, this has been my go to cranberry sauce. This year I intend to add some apple as well. Yum!
My next recipe is one I was introduced to by John's mother. I was lucky enough to receive the recipe from her good friend for our engagement party. It is another must have at our T-Day table. In fact, just typing this makes me want some NOW.
Mama Stromberg's Cranberry Relish
2 cups cranberries
1 small onion
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup sour cream
2 Tbsp horseradish
Grind berries and onion. Mix all ingredients together. Freeze. Remove from freezer about 2 hours before eating.
That's it! Can it get any easier?! This relish is a great zippy addition to your turkey. John's family has been known to enjoy it with, well.....a spoon. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but it is certainly a MUST addition to our table.
My final recipe is the last one I'll share. It is John's favorite pie I believe. He likes it so much for the past few years he has been the one to make it. This dessert is truly the best of two worlds.
Penzey's Apple Pumpkin Pie
(let's be honest here. Pie crust is bought, not made, in this house)
1 9" pie crust
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tbsp arrowroot *this cannot be forgotten, just ask John*
1 tsp cinnamon, divided
1/2 tsp salt, divided
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup water
2 Tbsp butter
3 cups apples, peeled and sliced
3/4 cup solid packed pumpkin (not pie filling)
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
Heat oven to 375
For the apple layer:
In a large skillet, combine the brown sugar, arrowroot, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp salt. Add vanilla, water, and butter. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. This will create a caramel like sauce. Add the apples and cook over medium heat 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Pour the mixture in the crust and set aside.
For the pumpkin layer:
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, egg, and remaining salt and cinnamon.
Pour over the apple layer.
Bake for 50 minutes, or until an inserted knife comes out clean.
Note: Mixing the pumpkin layer after completing the apple layer allows the apple to set up enough to keep the pie divided. If you mix the pumpkin while the apple is cooking and pour over the apples too quickly, the two layers will mix. Trust me, don't ask how I know, just trust me. ;)
So, those are our must haves. Well, if I'm being totally honest, orange salad is on the list as well, but I figure everyone has their own version of jello salad so I'll keep mine to myself for now. Most people have not had apple pumpkin pie. If your family struggles with which one is best, try it. You will not be disappointed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
My first two items will be side dishes:
Martha's Cranberry Sauce
In a medium saucepan combine 1 bag of cranberries and 1 jar of red currant jelly. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until cranberries have burst and liquid has reduced to a syrup. About 20-30 minutes. Transfer to a serving dish to cool. Refrigerate, covered, until ready to serve. Can be made up to 3 days ahead of time.
Now, most of you are well aware that Martha is not invited into my home very often. It is so not Martha worthy! However, ever since finding this recipe in the Nov. 2003 Everyday Food magazine, this has been my go to cranberry sauce. This year I intend to add some apple as well. Yum!
My next recipe is one I was introduced to by John's mother. I was lucky enough to receive the recipe from her good friend for our engagement party. It is another must have at our T-Day table. In fact, just typing this makes me want some NOW.
Mama Stromberg's Cranberry Relish
2 cups cranberries
1 small onion
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup sour cream
2 Tbsp horseradish
Grind berries and onion. Mix all ingredients together. Freeze. Remove from freezer about 2 hours before eating.
That's it! Can it get any easier?! This relish is a great zippy addition to your turkey. John's family has been known to enjoy it with, well.....a spoon. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but it is certainly a MUST addition to our table.
My final recipe is the last one I'll share. It is John's favorite pie I believe. He likes it so much for the past few years he has been the one to make it. This dessert is truly the best of two worlds.
Penzey's Apple Pumpkin Pie
(let's be honest here. Pie crust is bought, not made, in this house)
1 9" pie crust
1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tbsp arrowroot *this cannot be forgotten, just ask John*
1 tsp cinnamon, divided
1/2 tsp salt, divided
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup water
2 Tbsp butter
3 cups apples, peeled and sliced
3/4 cup solid packed pumpkin (not pie filling)
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
Heat oven to 375
For the apple layer:
In a large skillet, combine the brown sugar, arrowroot, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp salt. Add vanilla, water, and butter. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. This will create a caramel like sauce. Add the apples and cook over medium heat 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Pour the mixture in the crust and set aside.
For the pumpkin layer:
In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, evaporated milk, sugar, egg, and remaining salt and cinnamon.
Pour over the apple layer.
Bake for 50 minutes, or until an inserted knife comes out clean.
Note: Mixing the pumpkin layer after completing the apple layer allows the apple to set up enough to keep the pie divided. If you mix the pumpkin while the apple is cooking and pour over the apples too quickly, the two layers will mix. Trust me, don't ask how I know, just trust me. ;)
So, those are our must haves. Well, if I'm being totally honest, orange salad is on the list as well, but I figure everyone has their own version of jello salad so I'll keep mine to myself for now. Most people have not had apple pumpkin pie. If your family struggles with which one is best, try it. You will not be disappointed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
All muffins are not good muffins
My first foray into muffins was good but a mess. I made banana muffins using applesauce - a recipe from They were yummy, but crazy messy. My fault really. I made regular sized muffins. I was not yet in mommy mode I guess. I staved off muffins for a while simply because of the shear mess. Think: crumbly muffin, three kids who love to make messes, a mommy who isn't overjoyed at cleaning food where it's not supposed to be (blech!). It is a small version of the perfect storm.
Fast forward to a month or two ago. I was in a rut for breakfast, not really wanting to heat frozen waffles again. I spotted one of the blueberry muffin bags in my cabinet. You know the little bags. They make six muffins, kinda perfect for a small family (of two, not family of five). Well, they also make about 16-20 mini muffins. Mini muffins. Yep, you heard me right. Clearly at this point I WAS in mommy mode! Almost NO mess, the perfect size when torn in about half (maybe quarters for Zach), and quick to make. Mini muffins became our go to "something different" for breakfast. Blueberry or banana nut, whichever little bag I could get.
Yes, I know I should just try to make my own. I'll get there. Baby steps people, baby steps.
Last week I made banana nut muffins and Zach didn't even wait until being put in his chair! I turned around to see a little hand zip one off the plate as I was putting everything on the table!

He then went on the run:

And tried to hide the evidence:

So I just strapped him into his seat and just smiled:

Do you now see why I say maybe quarters for Zach. He tends to just put whatever size is in front of him in his mouth. The girls will bite off pieces if whatever it is is too big. Zach, why waste the time?
This past weekend I picked up two boxes of Krusteaz muffin mix. Not the bags. I grabbed blueberry and almond poppyseed. This am I made the almond poppyseed. Needless to say the kids were less than impressed. Zach still ate some, heck, he ate the most of anybody. Katie - well, lets just say she was putting it in her cup holder and if you follow my Facebook you know that is not a good thing. Addie, well, she just decided breakfast would be a little bit of pear and banana. On a normal muffin morning I feel guilty for the two or three that I eat because I could probably feed them to the kids. This muffin morning, I put six or seven in the container holding the last of the cookies. A clear sign.
So, needless to say all muffins are not good muffins. Blueberry, yum! Banana nut, yum! Almond poppyseed, clearly for adults only. I think next week we'll go back to the banana applesauce and see how those go over.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Fast forward to a month or two ago. I was in a rut for breakfast, not really wanting to heat frozen waffles again. I spotted one of the blueberry muffin bags in my cabinet. You know the little bags. They make six muffins, kinda perfect for a small family (of two, not family of five). Well, they also make about 16-20 mini muffins. Mini muffins. Yep, you heard me right. Clearly at this point I WAS in mommy mode! Almost NO mess, the perfect size when torn in about half (maybe quarters for Zach), and quick to make. Mini muffins became our go to "something different" for breakfast. Blueberry or banana nut, whichever little bag I could get.
Yes, I know I should just try to make my own. I'll get there. Baby steps people, baby steps.
Last week I made banana nut muffins and Zach didn't even wait until being put in his chair! I turned around to see a little hand zip one off the plate as I was putting everything on the table!
He then went on the run:
And tried to hide the evidence:
So I just strapped him into his seat and just smiled:
Do you now see why I say maybe quarters for Zach. He tends to just put whatever size is in front of him in his mouth. The girls will bite off pieces if whatever it is is too big. Zach, why waste the time?
This past weekend I picked up two boxes of Krusteaz muffin mix. Not the bags. I grabbed blueberry and almond poppyseed. This am I made the almond poppyseed. Needless to say the kids were less than impressed. Zach still ate some, heck, he ate the most of anybody. Katie - well, lets just say she was putting it in her cup holder and if you follow my Facebook you know that is not a good thing. Addie, well, she just decided breakfast would be a little bit of pear and banana. On a normal muffin morning I feel guilty for the two or three that I eat because I could probably feed them to the kids. This muffin morning, I put six or seven in the container holding the last of the cookies. A clear sign.
So, needless to say all muffins are not good muffins. Blueberry, yum! Banana nut, yum! Almond poppyseed, clearly for adults only. I think next week we'll go back to the banana applesauce and see how those go over.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, November 11, 2012
16 Months
How did this happen?? I really don't know! My toddlers are becoming big kids, sniff sniff.
Could they look any more impressed? Especially Zach! Pay no mind to my brilliant keep-the-tights-up-with-the-onesie look the girls are sporting. Maybe that's the excuse for Addie's look? Ok, but really, they are getting so BIG.
If I tell Addie to get a diaper, or mention that I need a diaper, she will walk to the gate and start reaching through. We keep the diapers on the other side of the gate to avoid seeing how quickly they can get all diapers out of the packaging. With three it doesn't take long. When Addie helps I hold the package to the gate and let her grab it for me.
They can all walk their diapers to the trash and throw them away. The girls also "help" mommy lock the trash can back up when we are done. What's that you say? You DON'T lock your trash can? Well, you must not have three interested little bodies with six interested hands. We decided to put a simple child lock on the trashcan when they decided to start exploring everything they could pull out.
For a while Addie has been helping with getting the boppies when nighttime bottles are ready. I recently started having them sit on a blanket for afternoon snack. Partly to gain some control and partly to try and keep the dogs from being fed eating too much of the snack. When I tell them it's snack time Zach now walks over and gets the blanket from next to the tv.
All three kids know which chair they want to sit in for meals. When we are close to being ready I tell them to "pick your chair" and they all go pick. It's not always the same chair either. I find that very interesting. They will pick different chairs. It makes me wonder why, but unfortunately they can't tell me yet.
When we go
out just me and the kids, I let Zach walk behind the stroller helping
me push it - he pushes on the basket, I use the handle.
All the kids are now very well versed in climbing OUT of their car
seats. Sometimes in them, often standing to turn around, but most
recently and most annoyingly, out of them. Nothing is
as fun as trying to strap one kid in while the other two climb out, you
put them back, go back to securing, out they come again. Good times!
You can imagine how small the van starts to feel with multiple bodies
moving around the back as I'm trying to move quickly and efficiently.
Ya know, as I typed that I realized my mistake! Note to self, forget
about the quickly and efficiently!!
This story I had to call John at the office and recite for him it was
TOO amazing even for me. The other day before nap time Addie was
playing in the corner where the boppies and pillows are tossed. She
likes to use them to climb onto the end table. Something happened and I
heard her crying - when I got over there she is on her back with her
pants almost off (another new trick they have been practicing). I pull
the pants the rest of the way off and pick her up for some cuddles.
Needless to say a lot of the time I think pants are extraneous (if you
took them on and off little bodies as much as I do you would feel the
same) so she played in her onesie. Off to nap we go, no problems.
After nap I truly had no idea what I had done with her pants. I asked
her "Addie, where are your pants?" She climbs off my lap as I'm asking
her again, scanning the room...little girl walks to the corner, me:
"Addie, where are you going? Where are your pants?" She leans down, up
comes a little hand with HER PANTS! She remembered!! Even I had
forgotten, but she remembered!! I hope you are as amazed by that story
as I was and still am.
Those are our 16 mo olds. They crack us up on a daily basis.
Oh my word!
Well that took a while! All I wanted to do was listen to a friend's comment about the white on black text being hard to read...and add a new winter/holiday look. Hahaha. Why didn't I know this would not work in my favor? I truly don't know. I should have, but I didn't. Now, three days, a frustrated email, and multiple phone calls later...I think we have a look that I can live with!
I do not understand how some of you can get a template to work on your blog. I simply cannot and have stopped trying. It is better for me to find a vector pattern, remove the background image, and use the pattern. Trust me, before yesterday I had NO IDEA what a vector pattern was. I still don't really know, I just know that the free ones are what I want as my background image. lol Note, free. I still can't imagine paying for anything associated with my blog, except for Ken's services of course. He is my go to "something is wrong and you are a computer expert" brother-in-law. His true suggestion? Get rid of blogger and let me make her a real page. LOL Like I wouldn't have even more trouble with that?!? I bet he suggested it because he can better control, fix, etc. my mistakes on a "real" page.
Once I figured out what I needed image wise, searched for the right one for a few hours (good thing kids around here nap!)...then came the process of "how did I do this last time?" Eventually, I figured it out. Yeah me! Of course, that just means I now got to mess with fonts, colors, etc. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a perfectionist. Needless to say, I may never think it is right. But - for now, you are stuck with it.
I hope you like it. Friend of mine, I hope the reading is easier on your eyes. If not, let me know. That should be a simple font/color long as I don't think, hey, maybe we should change the look up for the holidays! LOL
Anyway, this rambling blog is to let you know...we're back! Now I'm off to figure out the whole "can you please get her to change the password, I'm afraid an untoward site will hack her soon it's so bad" issue I was told I have. If only he knew how TRULY bad at passwords John and I are, he may have a heart attack!
I do not understand how some of you can get a template to work on your blog. I simply cannot and have stopped trying. It is better for me to find a vector pattern, remove the background image, and use the pattern. Trust me, before yesterday I had NO IDEA what a vector pattern was. I still don't really know, I just know that the free ones are what I want as my background image. lol Note, free. I still can't imagine paying for anything associated with my blog, except for Ken's services of course. He is my go to "something is wrong and you are a computer expert" brother-in-law. His true suggestion? Get rid of blogger and let me make her a real page. LOL Like I wouldn't have even more trouble with that?!? I bet he suggested it because he can better control, fix, etc. my mistakes on a "real" page.
Once I figured out what I needed image wise, searched for the right one for a few hours (good thing kids around here nap!)...then came the process of "how did I do this last time?" Eventually, I figured it out. Yeah me! Of course, that just means I now got to mess with fonts, colors, etc. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a perfectionist. Needless to say, I may never think it is right. But - for now, you are stuck with it.
I hope you like it. Friend of mine, I hope the reading is easier on your eyes. If not, let me know. That should be a simple font/color long as I don't think, hey, maybe we should change the look up for the holidays! LOL
Anyway, this rambling blog is to let you know...we're back! Now I'm off to figure out the whole "can you please get her to change the password, I'm afraid an untoward site will hack her soon it's so bad" issue I was told I have. If only he knew how TRULY bad at passwords John and I are, he may have a heart attack!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Pardon our mess - site under construction
Please pardon the mess, what should have been a simple change to the bog to spiff it up for the holidays has turned into Steph pulling her hair out (maybe a few cuss words, can't know for certain), Ken trying to be Mr. HTML and use his development tools to edit the underlying template, me (guest blogger Kim) getting mad at Ken - taking over - failing at everything I tried and just just applying a whole new template. I am hoping that Steph has a backup and we can start this whole adventure over again! If not, stay tuned, more changes are coming I'm sure.
Happy Saturday!!!
p.s. - mom this is why I am late, see you soon for shopping!
Happy Saturday!!!
p.s. - mom this is why I am late, see you soon for shopping!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Feet *sponsored by Nike??*
Feet. There are lots of them running around this house! They are usually all barefooted and cute. The kids know where their toes are even. Zach will even point to his head, knee, toes if he wants me to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" (yes, it really is a song, much to John's amazement). Needless to say, I love me some feet.



Heck, I even live with a mini foot model! (Z-man)

Until I found out how expensive they were going to be.
$50 per child. Over and over. Until Nike no longer sponsors their feet. I know it's amazing we are sponsored by such a giant corporation, but they are the creators of the infamous swoop that my children have adopted. Hence the $50/child. over and over. potentially. Technically, it's called over pronation. I call it a swoop. According to the physical therapist we saw today, when looking at a child foot from behind (as they are standing/walking) it should be a straight line from mid-calf, down to achilles and heel. Our kids look like this:

ok, maybe not exactly like that. It's my rendition of a swoop. Me not wanting Nike to come after me and all - the kids magna doodle app came in handy. For real, this is what they look like:

That is Zach. Notice his left leg? The ankle is not aligned with his Achilles and such. I know his right isn't either, but I don't know that he was fully standing on that leg.

That is Katie. Notice her right ankle?

That is Addie. Hers is the left mostly. Note, all my rights and lefts are from your position.
Either way, what this all means is that all kiddos will be receiving shoe inserts. Kinda like ones you may choose to use (Dr. Scholls gel inserts anyone?). However theirs will have a nice high arch and heel cup (?). They will basically look like a nice, worn in Berkinstock. Sorry for all the not completely accurate information, but I'm just trying to describe to the best of my ability at the moment.
I will say I am impressed with the PT that we saw. The appointment was only for Addie, but after ordering her inserts we asked if she could look at Katie. I think it took all of 15 second after her socks were removed Peg said "yep, we should probably look at Zach then too". Again, 15 second later... even I could see Zach's. Is this the point I should tell you that it wasn't until DURING THE APPOINTMENT that John decided to share that he too had to wear inserts for over-pronation. Not as an infant, but still, thanks for sharing with me before-hand honey. Once she diagnosed all three, she looked at John and commented that at least we know it's genetic, not a preemie issue or anything (although, she did mention Addie having lower muscle tone and asked if she was the smallest - yep). Once you know what to look for you can see it clearly. So she called back to add to our order. She tried for the triplet such luck. But we do have one in size 4.5, one in 4.75 and one in 5. Pretty much that means Addie may only receive this first pair as new, since she can grow into her siblings sizes.
I can say with confidence this has no effect on my children's personality or anything of that sort. Need proof? Ok.

That was our day today. Hope yours was less expensive.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Heck, I even live with a mini foot model! (Z-man)
Until I found out how expensive they were going to be.
$50 per child. Over and over. Until Nike no longer sponsors their feet. I know it's amazing we are sponsored by such a giant corporation, but they are the creators of the infamous swoop that my children have adopted. Hence the $50/child. over and over. potentially. Technically, it's called over pronation. I call it a swoop. According to the physical therapist we saw today, when looking at a child foot from behind (as they are standing/walking) it should be a straight line from mid-calf, down to achilles and heel. Our kids look like this:
ok, maybe not exactly like that. It's my rendition of a swoop. Me not wanting Nike to come after me and all - the kids magna doodle app came in handy. For real, this is what they look like:
That is Zach. Notice his left leg? The ankle is not aligned with his Achilles and such. I know his right isn't either, but I don't know that he was fully standing on that leg.
That is Katie. Notice her right ankle?
That is Addie. Hers is the left mostly. Note, all my rights and lefts are from your position.
Either way, what this all means is that all kiddos will be receiving shoe inserts. Kinda like ones you may choose to use (Dr. Scholls gel inserts anyone?). However theirs will have a nice high arch and heel cup (?). They will basically look like a nice, worn in Berkinstock. Sorry for all the not completely accurate information, but I'm just trying to describe to the best of my ability at the moment.
I will say I am impressed with the PT that we saw. The appointment was only for Addie, but after ordering her inserts we asked if she could look at Katie. I think it took all of 15 second after her socks were removed Peg said "yep, we should probably look at Zach then too". Again, 15 second later... even I could see Zach's. Is this the point I should tell you that it wasn't until DURING THE APPOINTMENT that John decided to share that he too had to wear inserts for over-pronation. Not as an infant, but still, thanks for sharing with me before-hand honey. Once she diagnosed all three, she looked at John and commented that at least we know it's genetic, not a preemie issue or anything (although, she did mention Addie having lower muscle tone and asked if she was the smallest - yep). Once you know what to look for you can see it clearly. So she called back to add to our order. She tried for the triplet such luck. But we do have one in size 4.5, one in 4.75 and one in 5. Pretty much that means Addie may only receive this first pair as new, since she can grow into her siblings sizes.
I can say with confidence this has no effect on my children's personality or anything of that sort. Need proof? Ok.
That was our day today. Hope yours was less expensive.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, November 5, 2012
An apple a day
Keeps little miss busy. Surprisingly, I knew what was for dinner mid-afternoon, so once John arrived home I got to work. I reached over the gate for the potatoes (too intriguing for littles, especially Zach who likes to taste test). As I'm washing them I hear a loud THUMP! It was weird, i glanced back but didnt se anything. I figured the girls dropped something over the gate. About a minute later I hear "Addie, what are you eating? How did you get that. Steph?!".
As I round the corner this is what I see:

Well, ok, that is what I see after the flash light blinking and her preparing for the bright light.
This is what I see after turning the flash off:

Yep! That, folks, is an apple. The loud thump? I'm assuming it was an apple falling from our fruit bowl onto the floor where Addie rescued it all the while thinking 'why, yes, I am a bit hungry'. She was chomping down like a pro!

Mind you, chica is just about 16 months. I bet this felt good for her teeth though. She ate quite a bit, then daddy fed them the last of the sweet potato chips I made yesterday and they gobbled those down, as well as the last of the olives from lunch (veggie quesadilla)...and they ate a good portion of dinner, breakfast, but dinner. :)
I leave you with this:

Addie's apple will keep the dr away Tuesday, but Wed she has a PT consult to check her walking and I'm hoping for a same day dr. appt to check her weight again and check Zach's red rashyish face. Yep, rashyish. It's a word, promise.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
As I round the corner this is what I see:
Well, ok, that is what I see after the flash light blinking and her preparing for the bright light.
This is what I see after turning the flash off:
Yep! That, folks, is an apple. The loud thump? I'm assuming it was an apple falling from our fruit bowl onto the floor where Addie rescued it all the while thinking 'why, yes, I am a bit hungry'. She was chomping down like a pro!
Mind you, chica is just about 16 months. I bet this felt good for her teeth though. She ate quite a bit, then daddy fed them the last of the sweet potato chips I made yesterday and they gobbled those down, as well as the last of the olives from lunch (veggie quesadilla)...and they ate a good portion of dinner, breakfast, but dinner. :)
I leave you with this:
Addie's apple will keep the dr away Tuesday, but Wed she has a PT consult to check her walking and I'm hoping for a same day dr. appt to check her weight again and check Zach's red rashyish face. Yep, rashyish. It's a word, promise.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Oh My Cuteness!
I'm hanging out on the computer after the kids go to bed. John says, "hey, do you want the picture card? I've taken some pictures lately." Sure, why not. Oh My Cuteness!! This blog post is simply because we take some great photos of even better subjects.
We'll start with last Thursday evening. We went to the community center on base for dinner. They have a grill with pretty decent hamburgers, our closest to take out I suppose. They even had decent kids meals prior to this last visit. (who does a 1/2 grilled cheese anyway?!? but that is another rant). Our going out meant the girls got to wear the Robeez boots for the first time....
Katie rocking her pink boots and pink coat
Addie rocking her pink boots and white coat (model pose at 15mos?!)
Proud papa
Zach before realizing Mom is taking pictures
Zach after realizing his fans are taking pics
The meal, eh. We had to feed the kids more when we got home, see note re: 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich above. I still like their burgers though, for what they are. And I like even better not having to determine what to make for dinner, make it, then maybe help clean up.
John had Friday off. Really truly off. This doesn't happen too often, not lately anyhow. And even though this meant I could sleep in, I still got up about 30 minutes after everyone else. After breakfast we were playing on the floor. Zach has taken to backing into people to sit on their laps. I had Katie on my leg, Zach backing up into my lap, and Addie decided she wanted to join the fun too. They have done this a couple times lately, all piled into either my or John's lap. Too awesome! (Excuse the morning look. I had a hair appt later that day. It's back under control now)
Pile o'littles. Can't you just hear Addie's giggle for finding a spot, Katie's exasperation for being there first and now being squished, and Zach's contentment? We had fun like this for a few minutes.
Take two
Later that morning we decided to put their new winter booties on them. They LOVE them. They are Stonz booties for anyone wondering. A fleece liner with an over bootie. They are hard for me to get them on, but John is a master. Although they look big in the picture, the kids can actually walk in them just fine.
What happens when you want a kid pic while also leaving Disney Jr. on the tv.
Today I helped out the Delta Imagination Library at a local vendor fair. We signed up more kiddos to receive free books and had a little sticker book station they could enjoy while parents looked around. It was a fun few hours out of the house. Especially since I left in the middle of a lunch-is-30-minutes-late meltdown, hehe. I felt bad, for a minute or two. Clearly, it had no lasting effect as John grabbed the camera after their nap. These are the results. Kim, before you say anything I repeat, this was after nap. :)
Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!
Our cheesehead. Silly girl.
Just as BEAUTIFUL as her sister.
Out little man.
Addie posing it out.
So those are the pictures that were on John's camera card. This is all within the last 2 days. We lead a busy, harried life there is no denying that. However, with love, fun, silliness, and smiles like this the sleeplessness, worry, frustration, etc. is more than worth it. I hope you enjoyed our little slice of life as much as I did tonight. Now if only I could find those perfect holiday outfits like I was looking for...
We'll start with last Thursday evening. We went to the community center on base for dinner. They have a grill with pretty decent hamburgers, our closest to take out I suppose. They even had decent kids meals prior to this last visit. (who does a 1/2 grilled cheese anyway?!? but that is another rant). Our going out meant the girls got to wear the Robeez boots for the first time....
Katie rocking her pink boots and pink coat
Addie rocking her pink boots and white coat (model pose at 15mos?!)
Proud papa
Zach before realizing Mom is taking pictures
Zach after realizing his fans are taking pics
The meal, eh. We had to feed the kids more when we got home, see note re: 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich above. I still like their burgers though, for what they are. And I like even better not having to determine what to make for dinner, make it, then maybe help clean up.
John had Friday off. Really truly off. This doesn't happen too often, not lately anyhow. And even though this meant I could sleep in, I still got up about 30 minutes after everyone else. After breakfast we were playing on the floor. Zach has taken to backing into people to sit on their laps. I had Katie on my leg, Zach backing up into my lap, and Addie decided she wanted to join the fun too. They have done this a couple times lately, all piled into either my or John's lap. Too awesome! (Excuse the morning look. I had a hair appt later that day. It's back under control now)
Pile o'littles. Can't you just hear Addie's giggle for finding a spot, Katie's exasperation for being there first and now being squished, and Zach's contentment? We had fun like this for a few minutes.
Take two
Later that morning we decided to put their new winter booties on them. They LOVE them. They are Stonz booties for anyone wondering. A fleece liner with an over bootie. They are hard for me to get them on, but John is a master. Although they look big in the picture, the kids can actually walk in them just fine.
What happens when you want a kid pic while also leaving Disney Jr. on the tv.
Today I helped out the Delta Imagination Library at a local vendor fair. We signed up more kiddos to receive free books and had a little sticker book station they could enjoy while parents looked around. It was a fun few hours out of the house. Especially since I left in the middle of a lunch-is-30-minutes-late meltdown, hehe. I felt bad, for a minute or two. Clearly, it had no lasting effect as John grabbed the camera after their nap. These are the results. Kim, before you say anything I repeat, this was after nap. :)
Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!
Our cheesehead. Silly girl.
Just as BEAUTIFUL as her sister.
Out little man.
Addie posing it out.
So those are the pictures that were on John's camera card. This is all within the last 2 days. We lead a busy, harried life there is no denying that. However, with love, fun, silliness, and smiles like this the sleeplessness, worry, frustration, etc. is more than worth it. I hope you enjoyed our little slice of life as much as I did tonight. Now if only I could find those perfect holiday outfits like I was looking for...
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