We were 3 months old last weekend! Knowing mom likes to let people know about us, we decided to take charge of that this go-around. Mom hates that we are getting so big, she wants us to stay small and cuddly like we are now. She thinks we are about the perfect size. We came home so small she was always worried about us. Now we fit in our bouncy chairs, swing, car seats, and stuff like that perfectly so it really is a good time to stop growing, but we like growing. Plus, she feeds us practically all the time! Every time we wake up it seems we are eating again. How does she expect us to not grow when she keeps feeding us then making us so comfy we fall asleep? Sorry mom and dad, but we wanna get bigger like you.
Our big moments right now are smiling and playing with toys. We are all starting to smile more. It's no longer only related to our "passing gas from down below" as dad says. Now we smile when we see mom or dad, when they are making funny faces or silly sounds, and sometimes just because. Everyone seems happy when we smile. We are also starting to notice our toys more. They keep putting us on the floor, but it's not so bad when we notice the toys and mirror we have to play with. Addie likes to hit the zebra with her hand, Zach likes to kick the lower toys, and Kate has noticed the mirror. It's really fun when we are all together; that's when we each become a toy as well. Who needs a zebra overhead when you've got a brother or sister's noggin next to you to smack-a-roo?! This past Friday mom had a day alone and of course she shops for us...so she brought home a new little stuffed giraffe. Zach LOVES it. Mom will have to post some pictures she took of him loving on it. Yes, yes, mom needs to post a lot of pictures. Don't worry, we tell her all the time!

Katie-bug. As the oldest, I get to go first. Yep, I'll be using that line a LOT during my life. I'm 3 months old and I weigh 9lbs 12oz. I think I'm the biggest smiler in the bunch. Mom is always trying to make me smile and I usually comply. When I don't have the big alligator tears going that is. Sometimes I wake up scared and just start crying bad. Nobody can figure out why, but they do try to soothe me right away, so I guess full on crying does work. I've even figured out how to get a few alligator tears going. Not always and they are just starting to spill over a little, but man is it effective! I'm still the sleeper of the group. Mom says I'm like her; I love to sleep. I'm good at just hanging out too. I like when mom puts me on the floor to play and today she put me on my tummy on a big curved pillow (boppy). Boy was she surprised when she left the room for a little bit, came back and I had pushed myself over the top of the pillow. Yep, my legs were hanging out where she had left my chest. I was pretty proud of myself and I think she was too, she called dad over to look at me. If I could have talked I would have reminded her to GRAB the CAMERA, WOMAN! She forgets a lot, but I guess she has a lot on her mind so I forgive her. I still love to hum and sing, I'm starting to move my head both directions more, and I still stare with my big ol'eyes - even if they aren't as big as my sisters. That's me..lovable hugable Kater-bug, Katie, Kate, Kater-dater, Katers, Katie-bug...

Hey! Zach-man here. I like my nickname. I tend to look toward whoever calls me that. My smile breaks hearts everywhere. I've really grown up a lot in the past three months. I used to be unhappy with everything, but no more. Now I'm much more easy going. In fact, mom is able to put a onesie on me every day, it used to be I was the no-onesie man because I was screaming my head off too much. But, I've resigned myself now. I love hanging on the floor play mat and in the bouncy with the play bar attached. I sometimes hit the toys to make them swing and when on the floor I will even hit the toys with my feet. I've discovered my fingers and my fist in the past few weeks. It helps when I'm a little upset and mom or dad can't get to me right away - sucka, sucka, sucka I go. I'm the leader of the pack when it comes to weight coming in at 10lbs 7oz. Mom says she can tell I'm heftier when she picks me up after holding Addie. I still love my music, drooling up a storm, and being held all the time. I know I'm special and loved by everyone; of course I am, I'm the Zach-man! (Also known as Zach and Zachers)

I'm Addie. I'm the littlest when it comes to weight, size, and neediness. I weigh a whopping 8lbs 15oz. That's a lot for me, but I am falling behind my brother and sister a bit too much, so lately I've been drinking all of my bottle. Like my sister, sleep is not an issue for me when I choose to do it. Except that I'm a light sleeper, like my mom, so I wake up easy and noises startle me. But I must say, the best thing about sleep is waking up because that is when I get to S-T-R-E-T-C-H! I love me a good arch the back, make a silly face stretch! Pretty much I'm the easy going sibling. I've just recently found my voice, but I don't use it very often. Of course, that means that when I do I get paid attention to. I'm an active little girl. My mom even bought me rattles for my ankles, ok, they are supposed to be for my wrists, but I move my legs so much she puts them on my ankles. Mom says my new motto is "and miles to go before I sleep." I don't know what it means, but I'm gonna keep kicking my legs trying to get a move on until I figure it out. Dad says I watch the world go by. I like to turn my head and take in everything that is going on when I'm awake. I've got such a great smile just today dad told mom that they are going to be in trouble with me. I didn't know what he meant so I just looked at him with my big blue eyes and smiled. Katie and I have him wrapped around our fingers! Pretty much, I may be little, but great things come in little packages. I'm full of personality and my size isn't going to stop me from doing anything, you just watch! Addie, aka Adders and Addie-girl